This checks out, mum gave me a set of splayds when I moved out of home and we’re Australian. I love them but my fiance refuses to use them.
This checks out, mum gave me a set of splayds when I moved out of home and we’re Australian. I love them but my fiance refuses to use them.
There are tons of recipes for fruit pierogi if you google em, they usually include the recipe for the pasta as well. They’re little dumplings, basically ravioli. My fiance is polish and I make them for him on occasion with twarog and blueberries, (a simple milk cheese that’s really easy to make -you can skip the cheese and serve them with cream which is great too) boil them, then fry them in butter and sprinkle them with powdered sugar.
For those unaware, this (the face Photoshopped on) was Australia’s right wing prime minister who basically sold Australia to billionaires/the lowest bidder and was just generally a smug cunt while he fucked everything up.
But the solution is more piracy
I’ve noticed that the sheets that are “select a size” seem to be using this to list a lower per sheet cost.
So if you’re trying to compare prices in the supermarket it comes in at half the per unit pricing of normal sized paper towels while being the same size roll or smaller and costing the same or more.
It just feels like they’re trying to cheat the system a little rather than trying to create a new product or be more useful.
Kanye’s wife wore a “dress” on the red carpet that was thinner than a stocking. So not wrong tbh