Iirc they just check the date to make sure you arent using an old receipt so that might explain why they look at it so briefly, not that they really get paid enough to do anything more
Iirc they just check the date to make sure you arent using an old receipt so that might explain why they look at it so briefly, not that they really get paid enough to do anything more
You’re probably right. This shouldnt be an issue for the customer but it its
Its unfortunately a catch 22 though because continuing to tip kinda enables it to keep happening if everyone stopped tipping then places would likely have to pay a decent wage in order to get people to work as even if you’re extremely desperate for money its still not really worth it to work for tipped minimum wage with no tips also im not sure if it applies to all places but if your compensation + tips falls below the federal minimim wage the company must pay you the difference if I am not mistaken
I bet someone could get AI to write a bunch of bogus emails to send that look like legit reports
Do you think it actually helps? All it does is make you sound like a troll and your message just makes you come off as a spiteful curmudgeon
It’s included in my cell plan and ublock works on it
The shirking of responsibility gets me every time cause like if the manager doesent do that then what DO they do?
Isint higher bitrate better for busy scenes with lots of movement? Like games that have a lot going on or tall grass in the wind.
Every big name store has something similar the issue is that its worse or the same as Amazon, never better.
Probably not aligned with the OP but id like a place that aggregates quality things from all over no cheap sketchy plastic things but also not just common big items that are already in every big box store.
This is America theyll lobby it for everyone but themselves
Same. Honestly, i step away from platforms like lemmy and the like often cause its most of what i see even with filters. Camping is pretty nice too
They should makes a mode where it runs away from you when you try to get to it like the classic prank call
I thought fiberglass causes silicosis?
I watched a lot of Upload on a camping trip and I was surprised at how much it made fun of some of the exact stuff Amazon does
Same, its like a cookie dough flavored cookie
So what you’re saying is it was a gold cessna
Aye ive had several fail. Ill admit im a bit rough on them but when I started to use USB-C devices the failures went down dramatically
You should care cause its not just soda, its everything. companies just your exact reasoning to justify it.