baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more
I like American music. Do you like American music? I like American music, too.
Other versions of me:
baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me no more
This is the best muni on lemmy and it’s not close.
Why do you have so many games you’re not interested in?
That’s just my life married to someone with a different neuroflavor.
Tell me about it, I just got off an 8-hour brunch shift, running my ass off the whole time, and I am flying.
big feel
big roof
big oof
naptime ⟩ missed alarm ⟩ late to work ⟩ fired ⟩ understimulated
I don’t feel attacked, I feel seen.
Honestly? Forty years of practice, anxiety spikes, external motivations positive and negative, fugue states… and I’m still barely getting by. I just paid $600 of late fees because I forgot to file my state income tax ten years ago. I’m sure I did them when I did my federal, I just… never sent it in? I guess???
“Numbers get bigger, spend number1 to make number2 get bigger faster, spend number2 to make number3 get bigger faster…”
Basebuilders, 4Xs, Incrementals, and Survival Crafters
Once I burn out I try to stay away as long as possible for the sake of getting other things done and having a sane sleep schedule.
Compare with RPGs, farm sims, platformers, action adventure games, and roguelikes, which I can pick up and put down much more easily without disrupting other aspects of my life.
at least a week, I reckon