I really like to tread that line
I really like to tread that line
I think what they’re saying (I didn’t look at the data yet) is that while the rate at 300k is lower, that lower rate doesn’t make up for the higher rates that individual will have paid until that point. So for the individual in question, the net positive doesn’t happen until 1m.
It looks like he’s no longer pretending he isn’t the villain in the story.
I got a 6 a few months ago and it’s solid. I only got it as a test but ended up using it full time. I do wish j had gotten a newer one only to future proof more
Getting a used/refurbished one doesn’t really give them anything, and actually prevents them from getting data on the next person who would have gotten the used phone and used the stock OS
Yeah that’s exactly it, or even a combination of just a handful of cards to combo a cool effect, but it was like 6 cards total, and it took like 10 turns to maybe pull out
I honestly loved playing yugioh back in like 2004 ish. A buddy of mine told me he played online and offered to show me how to do it. It was almost exactly this. It might be fun for someone who’s played the whole time, but I liked the clever decks with card combos that would take time to build up.
Or a dull knife lol
Agreed, I’d take a square and a story stick of sorts over a tape measure
Sadly it’s more common than I’d like everywhere I’ve worked too
I’ll be honest, I’m a bit jealous of his confidence.
Against some better judgement, I did direct burial. I did consider walkie talkies, but heard doesn’t work well in a metal barn (I confirmed I basically have zero cell reception). I could look at adding the antenna though, thats not a bad idea.
I appreciate the info and the offer! I won’t be messing with the Ethernet since that’s used for networking. I was mainly looking to hook up an IP phone or something easy, but assumed I couldn’t just connect that to my network and needed something so the two phones would tie together.
That’s fair, and yeah in hindsight would have been great, though tough to retrofit. Maybe I’ll look into running another line for something like that. Thanks!
Well in my scenario, both locations would be fixed, so I’m not really concerned about finding locations.
Oh I’m sure I’m overcomplicating it. We had some landline phones growing up that could also ping and “intercom” but those were all connected to phone jacks with an active phone service, ao I figured I couldn’t really do that. How is some like the one you mentioned wired? How does it talk to the the other one? Forgive my ignorance.
And to note, I definitely do not need high quality, just something local that is functional.
I could I guess? What would that look like? Just mic and speakers wired over Ethernet and just always on but with a hardware switch or something? Or connected to something like a Raspberry pi running some software to talk with the other pi?
That looks pretty good. Looks like a lot of information to parse through, reading up now, thanks!
I’d just call them regressives
I think that’s more accurate lol