Definitely and continues to this day beyond the battlefields
Not definitive but irregular:
But why? He didn’t do it.
Look at my update on the salaries. Much lower than LEOs. My point is that ICE may be made up of ex-LEOs that who can’t be LEOs anymore for whatever reason.
Evidence shows it’s not that unlikely
That’s the question. Is the training and testing adequate? Do they redo psych profiles on the candidates? Doesn’t appear so.
So no background checks on disciplinary issues or prior public complaints?
At the rate of aircraft accidents, it’s only a matter of a few weeks before a plane or helicopter crashes into a govt building or installation.
Diddy’s lawyer! If you’re listening, follow the Ye way
“Today, in solidarity with our Russian masters, the letter Z may be used in the White House. Words starting or containing the letter Z is verboeten!”
With those qualifications, she’s a match made in heaven for Mrs Trump #4
I watched it and thought Kendrick Lamar is awesome! Samuel L Jackson is awesome! Serena Williams is awesome! DJ Mustard is awesome!
I never thought oh they’re all black…
Americans need to “delay, deny, defend” against Nazification “by any means necessary.”
You are hereby remanded to upgrade a legacy Java 1 system, written by interns, to Java 8. May God have mercy on your soul.