Lunchtime when it melts it just looks like they showed up to work drunk
Lunchtime when it melts it just looks like they showed up to work drunk
And they actually wonder why tech literate people shit all over them every chance they get. This is some trash human behavior.
It’d be like if you sprayed fart spray all over your neighbors table at a flea market because they also have a few pokemon cards for sale but they’re in better condition than yours.
“Rather than improve myself I’m going to block others from doing better than me” is the corporate worlds motto ATM. Race to the bottom
But think of all the failing business that will be super cheap to aquire! /s
I like the thought exercise of; consider you as you are now never heard of religion/higher powers/all the gods. Now picture yourself being spoken to by a pastor of the lord Jesus christ. You’d think this guy is absolutely batshit and shouldn’t be out walking around. Certainly at the very least not be allowed to indoctrin more to their causw within a tax free building paid for largely by taxes.
I’ve had dozens of conversations that went just like this. As long as a decade ago from fuckin cable pullers and surveyors (the ones that hike through shit and snow with flags not the engineers) making 14$ an hour in Alberta when everyone else that flew out there was making 30+. You could make the same shoveling shit back home and they were upset about BC paying Tim’s workers 18$ at the time.
People are fuckin stupid and unaware. So they guess, wrong at their situation 99% of the time because some yokel in a suit pointed fingers at a convenient distraction that plays on their already present xenophobia. None of their “issues” were geographically or economically pertainent to themselves but they liked to bitch about them all the same.
Greed and money. Collusion can be ideological, not planned
Wtf are your squirrels eating? The ones by me are sized between a mouse and a rat lol
Alright lol so long as you understand being forged by the fires of the early internet deems you responsible to be aware of such tomfoolery against us internet patrons. Convince 10 computer illiterate friends to install ublock origin and all shall be forgiven haha
Out of curiosity how old are you?
It’s not even illegal?
Your first point at least is an iPad thing. Nothing is fully featured on the iPad. Not even safari. It’s thanks to that exact fact that chrome is at least mostly fully featured on the iPad. If safari had comparable function, you could bank on them blocking those features from the chrome app too. There’s a deal made somewhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if cash flow from Google is why safari is still the same piece of crap it always has been. “Hey your R&D + return for safari only nets you 1% YOY. We’ll give you 2% YOY if you just don’t even bother.”
They only know raising prices and knee-jerk reactions to competitive moves in their market space. Additional functionality for the user is only granted when it’s being used as a cudgle against their competition. Never for users benefit.
If you’re seeing new functionality on the iPad Firefox app, it’s likely because Firefox figured out a way to implement it without paying apple because they want the user to have that function. Totally different ethos.
I bought a Husqvarna chainsaw from Canadian tire and it was garbage. I thought I was getting the same one my buddy got (he got his at the local kubota). Turns out Husqvarna just licenses out their name for the right price. It was a garbage chainsaw with orange plastic and the sticker was even upside down.