Thank you for telling me the other 9
Thank you for telling me the other 9
I would like to know the other 9 please
No child left behind
Means something totally different in US schools
“blue vs green bubble” drama is a thing
Ha ha ha in one single country full of narcissistic idiots
I promise it’s not a thing, mate
My theory is, if you have subscriptions for anything other than phone, internet and maybe one entertainment, you’re the problem
I also had a mate who insisted he didn’t have any subscriptions, then told me about the new car he was leasing
They are playing you for fools
I’m not religious but I dunno. Could you say that about, say the archbishop of Canterbury? The guy’s got ten times the brains and university degrees than you and I put together tbh
I’m guessing that because your title looks like it was written by a 12 year old, the double-entendre was entirely unintended
Me speaking to a French guy last week -
“We’ve just been the the musée de l’automobile in Mulhouse”
“Sorry, where?”
"Aaaaaah I see! It’s pronounced [pronounces Mulhouse *exactly the same FUCKING way I just pronounced it]
😂 Happens very regularly
Oh I’m so fucking sorry this manufacturer gave you clear instructions on how to recycle properly
Your life must be truly horrible 😂
Please please PLEASE don’t give the Daily Star clicks and revenue
They’re shit-stirring, racist, xenophobic, rage-baiting cunts and the fucking bottom of the barrel in journalism
I asked a builder why this was, and he said that the lateral forces created by a slightly tilted window has just enough force to rip the entire side of a house clean off due to houses having the structural integrity of wet newspaper, which is the preferred construction method in the States
Well obviously if you’re an actual chicken, it won’t. How was your cage growing up?
I know right?
I thought it’d be free fucksake
I have a picture of my receipt for an incredibly reasonably-priced ECG scan I had the other day if you like? I think it was €9
Calling Charlie the king of England sounds the same as saying Biden is the president of Utah
Refuses to elaborate further
It’s literally all he did for ten years you daft cunt 😂
Do you mean a publican?
A republican can be good or bad, depending on your views
As in “I have five unread emails”?
I simply of to point out that you of used the wrong word there. You of to realise that doing so can of the effect have making you look very ignorant
I always assume people who end statements with question marks talk like David from Schitt’s Creek?