It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
Absolutely agree. I’m only talking about the fleeing the country part. Those of us who can stay are going to have to put in a lot of work, speaking out against fascism, protecting those who cannot flee, and being generally rebellious against tyranny.
If anything those of us who happen to not be directly in their crosshairs have a greater responsibility to speak out for the groups that are going to be targeted, because it could quickly get to a point where it’s dangerous for those marginalized people to be as vocal. We cannot leave the most vulnerable to fight alone for their right to exist.
Technically it’s not a full 55% of my countrymen, just 55% of the ones who bothered to vote. I’ll admit that’s not really a meaningful distinction though. Unfortunately, there’s also more of us who want to leave than the rest of the world can reasonably handle. I hope as many marginalized people can get out, because it’s going to be bad, especially for them. But those, like me, who are unlikely to be directly targeted due simply to being lucky enough to be born straight, white, men should probably leave those limited seats for those who truly need to leave.
It’s for the other wealthy assholes who have never worked at McDonalds (or any other working-class job) and are so out of touch they think this is good outreach to the poors, showing Trump as a relatable everyman. They have no awareness of how much he just looked like a rich asshole who has never done any real work in his life, showing up to work an average job for a couple hours during the slow part of the day and walking away with a warped view of what it’s like to be working class.
While I’m not the person you replied to and don’t know what their argument would be, I’ll take a shot at giving my own answer. In many cases when people post examples of AI giving unhelpful or bad information, there’s often someone who runs off to their favorite LLM to see if it gives a better result, and it usually does, so it gets treated like user error for using the wrong LLM or not wording the prompt properly. When in other examples that person’s favorite LLM which gave the correct answer this time, is the bad example hallucinating or mixing unrelated concepts, and other people are in the comments promoting other LLMs that gave them a good reply this time. None of the LLMs are actually trustworthy consistently enough to be trusted alone, and you won’t really know what answer is trustworthy unless you ask several LLMs and then go research the topic on your own anyway to figure out which answer is the most correct. It’s a valid point that ChatGPT got the answer more right than Gemini this time, but it’s somewhat useless to know that because other times ChatGPT is the one hallucinating wildly, and Gemini has the right answer, but since they’ve all been wrong before who do you trust.
LLMs are like asking an arrogant person who thinks they know everything, who rather than admitting what they don’t know, will pull an answer out of their butt, and while it might be a logical answer, it isn’t based in reality, and may still be wildly wrong. If you already mostly know the answer, maybe asking the arrogant person works, because you already know enough to know if they are speaking from their actual knowledge or making up an answer, but if you don’t already have knowledge on a topic, you won’t know whether the arrogant person is giving useful information or not.
He’ll get two miles of underground sidewalks put in during four of those two years.
I kinda want a Grandpa Joe movie starring David Spade. There’s a bit of a physical resemblance these days, and there’s so much weird stuff going on with Grandpa Joe in the movie that you could have a pretty full movie without Charlie, Wonka, or the chocolate factory.
I’ve started to come around on the 25k down payment assistance. It definitely has it’s problems, and there will absolutely be those who gouge because of it. But because it’s specifically down-payment assistance it will still help first time buyers get mortgages on houses they can afford the regular payments on, but don’t have the extra to set aside for a 10% down payment because rent is taking everything they could be setting aside for a down payment. And it’s limited to first time home buyers, with 2 years of on-time rent payments, and says “up to” 25k. Wouldn’t surprise me if it ends up being limited to 10% of the purchase price (which gets you more favorable loan terms).
That’s part of it. Unions also made a difference for a while, until the propaganda machine convinced a bunch of people that Unions were bad. When in reality, Unions are a benefit to everyone, they protect workers from bad bosses, and historically they also protected bosses from getting the shit beat out of them by their employees.
Jefferson was the one who rewrote it without the magic and miracles. Franklin proposed his own rewrite, but only did a chapter of Job as an proof of concept and said he didn’t have the “necessary abilities” to do it himself.
If the Democratic party gets to be too large of a tent, and the Republican party shrinks, eventually the Democratic party will fracture too, and we might get a real progressive party out of it.
As someone who has been skeptical of Proton and avoided their services because it seemed too good to last (or be true), this really boosts my faith in them.
Not saying I’m going to stop self-hosting my own mail, etc. or become a customer tomorrow, but I’m much more likely to recommend them to friends and family who ask, and will absolutely keep them in mind for myself if I ever do have a need.
Chromium is to the modern internet what Internet Explorer was in the mid 2000s. It’s not as stagnant (thankfully), but as far as market share and giving one oversized tech giant arguably too much power over the internet, we’ve basically come full circle.
There is more to schedule when doing large rallies than just the flights, Even just getting venues lined up on what is probably a short notice compared to most events those venues host. It’s probably easier to spend a little extra money and time on flights than try to coordinate all your venues and flights to minimize travel distance.
Not sure what I expected them to cost, but $5.70 is somehow less than I expected.
Yeah, but can we get Sony to re-release Morbius in theaters one more time?
As someone who voted 3rd party in 2016 and regrets it. While you are technically correct, the last 8 years have shown that there is so much more on the line than what I was protesting against with my 3rd party vote. I didn’t like Hillary Clinton’s positions on war. And sure, my vote probably wouldn’t have mattered all that much as I live in a very red state, but every time the Supreme Court does some bullshit, I feel a bit of regret that I didn’t use my vote to support the best candidate who actually had a chance.
I think it was an interview with Seth Meyers, but somewhere Heidi said she had seen them in costume, but Mikey’s lip prosthetic/makeup was much more extreme in the live performance than in rehearsal, and that was what caught her off guard and made her break.
While I personally agree with your sentiment, and much prefer arch to debian for my own systems, there is one way where debian can be more stable. When projects release software with bugs I usually have to deal with those on Arch, even if someone else has already submitted the bug reports upstream and they are already being worked on. There are often periods of a couple of weeks where something is broken - usually nothing big enough to be more than a minor annoyance that I can work around. Admittedly, I could just stop doing updates when everything seems to be working, to stay in a more stable state, but debian is a bit more broadly and thoroughly tested. Although the downside is that when upstream bugs do slip through into debian, they tend to stay there longer than they do on arch. That said, most of those bugs wouldn’t get fixed as fast upstream if not for rolling distro users testing things and finding bugs before buggy releases get to non-rolling “stable” distros.