Hell we have enough satellites to track whales. Especially since they have to surface to breath.
That photo shows two partly submerged Russian submarines in a port, so no waves. Those submarines are 73m long, so longer then a normal whale and the part above the water is also larger then your normal whale. In other words there is no way to spot a whale in the open ocean with satellites.
Marginalia and Million Short have their own index as far as I know. Fireball is another one being independent from both Google and Bing.
You mean the guys feeding the deer, so there are more of them and easier to hunt?
It is also realizing that there are a lot of great things in the world.
I know some German unions have managed to have it as part of the agreements they have with some companies and also the German government(as in people working for the German government). However it is rarely used.
There are some models for sabaticals, like lower pay and then basically a year of paid vacation. It also includes insurance policies, as there is an obvious incentive to just fire you before you take the time off.
Also especially for long timeframes, consider FIRE. With a 50% savings rate it takes something like 16.6 years to retire. The idea is to invest into index funds and then live of the income they make aka become a capitalist. However I get why some people might not like that, but especially if you have some wealth from other source that might be a pretty great option. Also the 16.6 years use 4% save withdrawal rate, which has historically worked well, but if you are willing to return to work and take some risk higher withdrawal rates can work as well.
However companies do not like employees having wealth. It makes them independent and that means negotiating power. So most options probably do not work.
A four day work week is against the interest of capitalists. The labor market like any other market is governed by supply and demand. A four day work week would reduce the supply of work by 20%. So unemployment would have to go down, which leads to higher wages, which again lower capitalists profits. That is not to say that it is impossible and obviously a number of companies tried it successfully. However to actually do it at scale you need unions or other ways of large scale mobilization of workers. To be quite frank, workers are not organized well enough to get this done today.
The new Crypto AI game named DogeX allows you to become a Russian troll!
Russia failed in forcing the trading partners to switch to rubel, but the Russian companies are forced to convert earnings into rubel. At the same time most big export companies in Russia are government owned(Gazprom, Rosneft and other resource exporters). So this way the Russian government gets more money, but it increases inflation.
Only if they actually get a peace deal. Otherwise Russia still has EU sanctions and a war going on.
You can exchange it over the counter and it also matters in relation to other currencies.
Alaska is smaller then Europe by quite a bit.
The US map are all Amtrak services and the European map all mainline railways.
And this is how we can turn Florida blue.
The US spends 3.4% of GDP in defence. Israel is at 5.3%. Also the US only spends a bit more then 3x what China spends and well US products are more expensive. So the US can probably fund its military for quite some time, without too many problems and right wingers love to do it, to bomb the shit out of people.
They believe that Russia is inherintly Christian and especially Moscow as the third Rome. So as the battle of armagedon happens, they want to arm Russia, as to defend the holy city of Moscow against satan and his demons. For that they need a lot of weapons and especially nukes, as demons are obviously powerfull. Clearly they are also needed to fight the satanic West, approaching the holy city of Moscow via Ukraine.
And they are serious.
CO2 emissions of the world excluding China have declined. Chinas emissions did fall in Q2 of this year.
Seriously China has economic trouble, which slows down energy demand growth. The US has run the massive inflation reduction act, which seems to be working somewhat well and Europe was hit hard by the energy crisis reducing emissions in the EU through lower consumption and faster green roll out and Russia as its fossil fuel exports fall. On top of that green technologies like solar panels, wind trubines, electric vehicles, heat pumps and so forth become cheaper all the time. It is certainly possible that we can achieve peak emissions soon.
Israels support of Hamas is a pretty good starting point. That one pretty clearly shows, how the Israeli government continues that situation.
The other one is looking at the situation from an Israeli perspective. Iran is the most open anti Israel country right now. A lot of other countries in the region, do not like Iran either and are somewhat willing to work together with Israel. That is Saudi Arabia for example. The issue is that the situation in Palestine is preventing that alliance from forming. So a deal with the Palestinians gives Israel greater security in the region as well. If done right that would only mean the northern border to Lebanon and Syria is challenged.
No elections are scheduled to be held in October 2026, but the coaltion is very likely going to break as soon as the war ends.
An App Meta bought and turned into Facebook Massenger.