I guess they’ll do literally anything to avoid hiring more staff huh? 👎
I guess they’ll do literally anything to avoid hiring more staff huh? 👎
I kinda think this looks like Norm MacDonalds least favorite nephew lol
Another proud graduate from the Handsome Boy Modeling School!
Screw that, if I’m in a bathroom I’m going to poop. If somehow someone takes issue with or is offended by that, then that’s their problem NOT mine
There can be some crossover though…
So now they’ll still have the measles but also be spewing out of both ends nonstop… Lovely.
He must really like those seats 🪑🥰
Desantis is clearly worried that Andrew Tate will push him out of the running for “biggest piece of shit in the United States”… These guys take that award very seriously
I can’t say I have any sympathy for them. Several times I would comment on their posts with what I thought were legitimate questions and each time I would be told I wasn’t allowed to ask any questions or say anything they didn’t agree with because it’s a conservative community. Most of the time someone would remove whatever I had asked anyway.
If the snowflakes can’t even manage a simple reasonable conversation then they don’t deserve a community
Oh shit! I think my cousin might be a hydrophobic goblin! Do they also smoke too much weed and yell at video games a lot???
Jeez dude, how clueless can you get??? She obviously meant she’s the substitute pinch hitter for the local ladies softball team! What a nerd lol
Sounds pretty on brand for Duchovny at that time lol
You’re my favorite customer!
His next fight with Doctor Octopus may be very awkward
they would just sort of turn into a blob of sugary bread
You’re making this idea seem better and better now 🤤
While helping my mother troubleshoot her phone:
I can keep going lol