This worked until I developed GAD. Now it’s hard to get motivated and hard to wind down, lol.
Hm, I might have to try it then!
Oh, does decaf make good espresso? I got pretty spoiled with my taste, living in a coffee producing country, lol.
Yup! By the latter quarter of my time in college I was up to 10 cups of strong af black coffee before midday, and a quarter pack of cigarettes. Then the pandemic hit and it was harder than ever getting cigs and was forced to quit cold turkey when I got infected. Not dealing with traffic also made the anxiety I got from coffee not managable and had to tone that down too.
I’ve managed to reduce my coffee intake to once a day at most, early in the AM. Mostly for the flavour. A good shot of espresso with condensed milk does wonders, but will leave me somewhat jittery since my resistance has dropped so much.
I kinda miss drinking coffee from 6am to 10pm.
Yuuuup. I received half a class in the thing that I decided would make or break my thesis project.
Got analysis paralysis the whole time I was researching how to do it, and ended up doing it in about a week in a half, in which I slept for about 8h total. Was congratulated on it by the board, but I’ll never in my life work in that sort of thing again if I can help it.
Saaaame here. Struggled all through school until I got to college where I did really well as long as I had a structure that agreed with me. A lack of it bit me in the ass come thesis though. Took ages.
Can confirm. When I got diagnosed with GAD, SzPD and rediagnosed with ADHD, my therapist asked me why I was so anxious all the time. After giving them the rundown of everything going on around me, they told me to not think about it.
Like, I get it. Would be cool. But, it’s around me. Would be easier to avoid the ground beneath my feet. They did end up helping me fine-tune my routine to unfuck myself when spiraling into a panic attack though.
Yeah, meds have helped, in my case. At least benzos, but I try not to use them since they were explicitly prescribed as a last resort. I gotta book an appointment at a second doctor one of these days… It wasn’t really working out with my previous doctor.