I’m wasting my time commenting on a comic about many lives wasted by people reading comics produced by someone wasting their life making them! It’s waste-ception! It’s waste all the way down! Woo woooh, it’s the waste train!! Jump on board!!
he/him (cisgender)
I’m wasting my time commenting on a comic about many lives wasted by people reading comics produced by someone wasting their life making them! It’s waste-ception! It’s waste all the way down! Woo woooh, it’s the waste train!! Jump on board!!
Yes, he delicately chainsaws off only the finest shark carcass heads and air dries them on the roof of his car in the heat of the natural sun! Only the best natural produce for him! Prepared by nature!*
*may contain parasitic brain worms, weavels and maggots for an added protein boost!
He supposedly never eats any processed food and is against processed food.
Cheers! I wondered where that went??! I’ll get it re-attached asap!
He wouldn’t have to if his opponents weren’t a self confessed couch molester and an ex President who is a 34 times convicted felon?! Now only one of these is literally true, but which one?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
EDIT: re-attached missing limb
EDIT: what’s going on?! I have my forearm back but I’ve lost BOTH upper arms?!
EDIT: I have succesfully re-attached all limbs but now I’m trapped in this grey box?!
EDIT: I was actually nervous to make one more edit, but I’m pleased to announce that the procedure was a complete success! All limbs have been restored and the patient is recovering well!
I assume you mean D.J.T is grasping at straws? Which he absolutely is! “Laughing Kamala” isn’t the solid burn he thinks it is LOL Suing to force Biden to stay in the race? Haha LOL good one! Oh, they’re serious? I don’t think forcing someone to stay in a race against their will is a viable legal option?? And I bet Trump is regretting his VP choice now! His whole platform seems to be “Chicks right, they should shut up and get back in the kitchen! Fricken crazy cat women running the place! NO they can’t choose what to do with their own body! Get pregnant or you’re worthless! Shouldn’t be able to vote if you don’t churn out babies!” Awesome VP to run in a race against a woman LOL Loved his speech about how he drank a diet mountain dew yesterday and today… Riveting stuff! LOL Is it telling that I can remember the soda he referenced but I can’t remember his name? I’m sure it’ll come to me…
Sorry but I just… DOB Septembuary 3st. It goes 1st, 2st, 3st, 4st, 5st or first, secost, thist, fourst, fifst etc…
That explains why it took Trump so long to reach out to the deceased’s family to offer his condolences, he was too busy brainstorming ways to cash out on the tragedy?! Disgusting!
When you turned the TV on you had to wait a minute for it to ‘warm up’. The black and white image would slowly emerge out of the darkness.
How do you flag down a Tesla autonomous taxi? You heil it of course!