That usually happens around 5am for me. When the molly wears off and the birds start chirping
That usually happens around 5am for me. When the molly wears off and the birds start chirping
Actually the breed standards are changing to push breeders towards healthier dogs!
They are call Retropugs and they tend to be bread with things like Terriers to give them functional skulls and spines!
I got a basil plant from Walmart a few months ago because it was literally the same price as the dried stuff.
I’ve been putting basil in basically everything haha
Yeah the kid got like a $400 fine and told not to do that again. I think that’s a fair punishment for doing something really really stupid as a teenager.
Yeah it’s Thursdays for me when I realize that I haven’t done shit this week and need to crank out a bunch of stuff haha
I think a lot of people are still stuck in the HDD days where windows could take 15-20 mins for a cold boot.
But I only sleep windows because I like to get game updates while I sleep.
Yeah the older ones are. But the new ones compete more with the XPS imo and they suffer for it.
So this is a LG Ultragear 34" monitor.
So you have
Sure but the thing with TVs is a manufacturer will over 15 different SKUs of “a TV” that are all pretty different. Plus, a lot of the times (especially for TVs) they will still have a “normal” name.
Like Alienware sells a few different “Alienware 27 Gaming” monitors. But they only sell on “AW2725DM”
That’s because the official instructions say to install it through snap. Which is just snap install blender
. You may have problems with flatpacks (I don’t to be fair) but that might be outside of the scope of this comment. Or just go to the app store and download it haha
And if you really want to install the deb package there are instructions to add the PPA.
Oof GTK is probably one of the worst dependencies you can try and port to Windows.
What I’ve done in the past is use something like Onno Setup which can call a script during install.
Or, and this is new to me, use the Official tools to build a package for windows on whatever Linux distro you are on. From what I’m reading, it should package GTK with it.
No, none of the X line are. I really like the L line of Thinkpads. Those are still pretty solid and reparable.
Which Thinkpad do you have? The “Thinkpad” line has been expanded to basically all professional grade laptops now.
Yeah I considered community service too, and I think it would be a fair alternative.
When I was young and dumb I got caught spraying some graffiti and got like 50 or 60 hours of community service. Which would equal like $6-8/hr, and I think that’s a pretty even trade.