No no no first you click volume up and power. Then you press down and power so you can take a screenshot of your volume level.
No no no first you click volume up and power. Then you press down and power so you can take a screenshot of your volume level.
Was fully expecting Sadam
Removing the level would actually not be difficult or significantly damage the wall, though it would be a fun task to keep a greenhorn busy for 30 minutes
Cretaceous park didn’t field well with our test audience, only nerds know that shit anyway…
Yep, looks like a 4’. You can make out the digital display at the bottom
Fuck you, I’m eating!
Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick
It’s like a magic book that tells you what program is on which channel you can just read it and then watch things
What hurts is guessing wrong what people around you care about and then realizing that what they care about is the thing you cared about before you realized that they actually just didn’t understand what you were actually worried about. It starts to feel like the matrix but you aren’t NEO you’re just the cat.
Ernest would lift it off his TV guide so he could see every channel jeopardy was on
Zoidberg has a friend!
One third of impossible is 3 letters and a third of a letter
Holy shit i was just arguing over this with a family member in TN, she is convinced that biden and Harris are confiscating material donations and disaster relief from NC to give to migrants. After she sited FEMA as a source I sent her a link to the FEMA rumor response But she knows people that know people who are “actually there” even though they have been turned away by FEMA apparently. I might start trying heroin.
Already illegal in Missouri for pregnant women to divorce their spouse
The answer is Satan it always Satan
I mean yeah though, right?
What category is this in