What happens if you refuse to work? Are they allowed to punish you in any way?
What happens if you refuse to work? Are they allowed to punish you in any way?
He’d still have a lot of property to his name, a lot of other assets and stuff that aren’t tied to an arbitrary stock market. Even if you crash it, mansions and luxury cars would still be very valuable. He will never not be a billionaire due to that.
That is, unless you redistribute his wealth. Then yeah, he wouldn’t be filthy rich anymore.
These exist and are widely used in rural Romania. Even public institutions like schools and town halls use these there. They’re not the worst you can get though. About 10-15 years ago you’d also stumble across houses that had no toilet paper, just newspapers. You were supposed to wipe with those. Not a fun experience!
“Angry bitter pathetic woke feminist betraying the white race by refusing to grow up, who actually wants to have kids but is too ugly to attract even a beta cuck”
God I feel filthy just writing that, I can’t imagine how people are okay thinking things even a quarter as nasty as that.
I like the way you’re thinking
This issue doesn’t stem from the left, it stems from many self-proclaimed centrists actually espousing right wing ideology to the point it has become almost a dogwhistle.
Imagine how pissed someone who wanted to get away from civilization via the generation ship would feel
From what I’ve seen, there’s a big divide amongst the tankies. There are those who are basically Stalin MAGA, base their political opinions on Soviet aesthetics and don’t consider much the practical implications of their actions. Some simply lash out against mainstream liberal ideology and others are just trolls.
Ane the other camp is made of people who read a lot of communist philosophy and are absolutely convinced the only way to achieve an equal society is by forcing everyone into it. This has its own problems, but they at least have an internally coherent ideology.
That’s not to say I agree with either camp. Their ideology promotes a vanguard party which can quickly spiral into “some are more equal than others”. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and all that. But I do understand where the second camp is coming from. I think the path to a better world lies in trade unions and people coming together to defend common interests.
I have no idea why, but I get horrible heartburn from Coke Zero and Pepsi Max. I don’t get that from almost nothing else.
Everything that needs to be done for society to maintain itself can be done if everyone works 20 hrs a week. The rest is just to allow some other people luxury lifestyles.
You are not only working to mentain a functional society, you are also working to constantly grow it (each year more stuff must be made, more money must be earned, more of everything) it and also to create a very big surplus for the rich. We also burn perfectly edible food, ruin perfectly wearable clothing and make electronic devices that intentionally break in a few years to get you to buy another one sooner just to get the 1% more money. If we didn’t do all that and they lived normal, non-luxury lives, everyone would have a lot more free time. If everyone worked only 20 hours a week, we’d make enough to sustain our society.
Do you have a ghoti-ing licence for that joke? Wild ghoti must be preserved, you know!
I think non-militarized cops, so most non-American ones, are not that bad and are generally more decent people than militarized cops. It’s amazing how much better policing can be when cops don’t carry guns with them all the time
Not an American, but yikes does this have “Vote with us… Or else!” vibes.
That’s not to say I support Trump, but I personally don’t think this is the way to convince fence-sitters at all.