I’m not taking about neutral as in in the middle. The medium through which you communicate doesn’t favor any message over any other. So it should only be judged based on how good it is at relaying messages, not who has more access to the medium or what they use it to relay.
No? Twitter isn’t a medium, it’s a platform.
Or maybe mediums are inherently neutral?
Google introduced a new AdSense ad format earlier this year that works similarly, turning text on the webpage into an ad that opens in Google Search.
Weren’t these super common scam websites a decade ago?
Kind of unrelated, why does c sometimes fail to print if it hits a breakpoint right after a print while debugging? Or if it segfaults right after too iirc
Maybe to 5 year olds?
These kinds of things never happen to me, could it be because I have all the tracking stuff disabled?? /s
They literally said the issue was an unintentional bug and then fixed it. How is that damage control?
17.5: People’s names aren’t written in camelCase
Thanks for the pointer
…and every other drawing tutorial I’ve been a part of, it clearly says that every line you draw on a person’s face adds to their age. When you’re drawing children or sexy young women you give them clean surfaces to suggest youth and a tightness of veins…
So that’s why women don’t have noses in xmen classic
Mildly Europe shaped
Civ 6 casually 50% loading all cores in pause menu: 😎
So it’s not included on the sticker price but it is included in the price you pay
Could you not write this less condescending? I’m sorry I’m not from the US. When I heard people say that sales tax isn’t included in the price and that you need to file your taxes every year I assumed that was how the tax was collected.
Maybe you don’t understand the point? The post says that internet used to be a force for democracy and is now ‘weaponised’ against it. I’m pointing out that internet itself was never a force and it is silly to try to assign such values to it