For the uninitiated, beavers have a gland that secretes castoreum from near their butt that they use to mark their territory. Castoreum is said to taste like vanilla.
For the uninitiated, beavers have a gland that secretes castoreum from near their butt that they use to mark their territory. Castoreum is said to taste like vanilla.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was an AI or other automated system blocking it, because an outright block instead of a shadow ban seems unlikely to have been done by human hands. But that just indicates that there are systemic issues or biases that clearly favor one party over the other, and that’s not much better.
True, there’s a good chance people will treat it as such anyway.
I have never used TikTok, so maybe they’re right about this, but there’s a good chance that selective memory bias is at play here, which is when you only focus on the examples that prove your preexisting beliefs and forget about all the examples that didn’t.
Oh, right. Forgot about those.
What’s the orca a reference to?
What is the meaning of this?
Pretty sure they did that intentionally, showing us how they were about to spell it.
I can’t tell if they’re happy or surprised in the last panel
This whole channel is great for this kind of stuff
What makes high-end philanthropy different from low-end philanthropy? Don’t they both get the same tax cuts?
They put the North half of North Dakota into Pembina, though, so I don’t know if that really counts as consolidation.
But then how do you explain the footprints?
30 hours is what’s normally considered full time, but there is no federally mandated minimum, so it’s really up to the individual employers.
An Internet meme, or meme (/miːm/, “MEEM”), is a cultural item (such as an idea, behavior, or style) that spreads across the Internet, primarily through social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Reddit. Internet memes manifest in a variety of formats, including images, videos, GIFs, and other viral content. Key characteristics of memes include their tendency to be parodied, their use of intertextuality, their viral dissemination, and their continual evolution.
In conclusion, it is a meme, but it’s debatable how much of a meme it actually is.
The steps don’t have to be thin, you could make them jut out. But still, at some point it’s effectively a ladder. That’s probably the point where it’s easier to start using your hands too.
And you forgot how much you normally put in anyway.
Akchually, infinity isn’t a number but the concept of something that has no limit, so technically they shouldn’t be allowed in.