if you devalue trans people in any way, including nb people, please block me
I respectfully request that you not refer to me using slurs
My “favorite” lecture from young people is the one in which they berate me for “stealing content” by not watching ads on YouTube.
I have a vivid memory of YouTube being a platform where normal people could share videos of their kids and pets or other fun random low quality but entertaining things
Oh I think I know this guy from reddit
The term “work family” always seems like a huge red flag.
Because most of us dislike violence, even when it’s necessary and justified.
Meanwhile, the rich have no problem using violence against us to protect their hoarded wealth or if they can profit from it in the slightest.
Not surprising in the least. I was part of an Amazon product review program, but I stopped participating after seeing multiple posts for pet treats that contained ingredients that are harmful to dogs. Reporting the listings was a nightmare, and they were never taken down.
Fuck you, Amazon.
Which is great when people use a phone call in situations where an immediate response is warranted – not so great when I realize I’ve had the device occupying one of my hands and my attention for 10 minutes, and the speaker has yet to make a point
There are certain people who when I see calling, I just won’t pick up. On the other hand, when the phone rang at 4am and it was my brother, I knew something terrible had happened. If he had been a frequent caller/offender, I’d have silenced and ignored the call, but I’m really thankful that I picked up. It’s like a “boy who cried wolf” situation.
Probably more like while someone is calling 911 or after someone has called 911
Funny how the people who want to harm the oil companies are “terrorists,” but the people literally destroying the earth are not
“I’m not anti-homeless, I just [anti-homeless horseshit]”
Is this a novelty account? lmao
A. This leads to politeness fetishists and tone policing. If someone says something offensive like “we should remove LGBT+ books from schools,” I’d rather shoot myself than speak nicely to that person.
B. This has not been my experience with my fellow Americans at all. I even saw a mod from lemmy.world post mod-flaired horseshit in their politics community about how “The US is not a racist country.” Fuck that.
The problem I’ve found with NetGuard is you can’t use it alongside your VPN
I don’t trust Brave one bit. Its whole approach reeks of a bait-and-switch (think “we won’t share or sell your data” pre-9/11 Google). Its founder is a massive homophobe and crypto-bro, and I have a massive learned distrust of homophobes and crypto-bros.
Moreover, I see no reason to use it when we already have far superior options (Firefox).
The whole site is bot infested! Especially the large subs, but I’ve personally had scambots pop into my posts even on smaller subreddits.
People who say they won’t leave reddit because “there’s no good alternative” really have their head in the sand about how bad it really is. Nearly every alternative I’ve seen suggested is at least better than reddit (except for the really far-right ones like voat).
This blackout has really shown which subs have actual in-touch moderators, and which ones are just the admins’ puppy dogs
A while ago, I had a comment auto-removed on WPT and got a message it was because my account was “not in good standing.” When I messaged the WPT mods, they explained that they were test piloting a new tool the admins plan to use. For example, if you have a throwaway email address, no email address, or are connecting via VPN, you may be “not in good standing.”
With things like that on the horizon, even if they roll back on what they’re doing now, we’re still not likely to have a very good time on that site.
I can’t blame the mods who are trying to make change through protest (and who may not even be aware of the “not in good standing” BS), but I don’t plan to stick around, and I don’t foresee a very bright future for reddit at all.
On a webcam soft-ly stroking