Positive reinforcement is the act of adding either a reward for good behavour or a punishment for bad behavior.
It seems like both of you are doing that.
Positive reinforcement is the act of adding either a reward for good behavour or a punishment for bad behavior.
It seems like both of you are doing that.
Yes they are telling you tomorrow.
Some derivatives aim to lower the risk, so the active decision to buy it would be to ungamble then? Or is it just gambling wyen you choose not to buy it?
Do you have insurance on your house or do you gamble that it will be fine without it?
Exactly! Which is why it is mad trying to outlaw or frown upon “gambling” with stocks.
There are many great wxamples in this thread already of why derivatives are necessary to a functioning society.
Wow that got complicated very quickly. Bummer no-one can come up with a simple example of when quicksort is useful.
I disagree. That’s like saying insurance shouldn’t be allowed.
Highly regulated would be anotheratter though.
I think you have a very specific definition of gambling which I don’t share. To me, gambling is much broader. Wikipedia summarizes it well:
“Gambling thus requires three elements to be present: consideration (an amount wagered), risk (chance), and a prize.”
That’s it. It doesn’t make an opinion whether the bet is fair. There doesn’t have to be a casino involved at all. It also doesn’t require you to put “most or your life savings” into it for it to be gambling.
I think you are conflating high risk, high stakes and even the precence of a casino into the same concept and call it gambling.
That doesn’t make sense at all. How would you - given two stacks of papers - know which stack the correct form is?
And fuck your versioning system. And you dependency management. And tooling. Why are there like five different projects trying to lock down the python environment? Conda? Venv?
Even Ubuntu tries to lock down python so that it doesn’t brick the install due to dependency conflicts.
Most companies have adapted to that by now. The raise the orice for (at least) rhirty days so that it still looks legit.
The one in your example seems like a failure at that.
I’m on the fence about that one.
Any professional would have a code repository and probably a build server which spits out binaries left and right, off site of course.
Bonus points if that is the easiest way to deploy the software, so all developers actually use it.
Edit: typo
My work takes 40 gig and I can still play Factorio while working :)
Most cultures frown uppn it but cousin marriage is very common is some parts of the world. There is a great wikipedia article on Incest.
But I was really talking about the former. The likelihood that not a single crossing has happened since the beginning of like is very small.
I’m pretty sure all bloodlines have circles.
Ohhhh I thought it was a baby bird (little wings sticking out) with one weird eye and one winking eye.
I once dropped all of my chocolate on the floor. That was a waste of Daim.
Insomnia suddenly turned into a ransomware. Pay up or have all you dara lost!
A few days later Insomnium popped up supporting the old file format.
Thanks. I wish the link could be created from the f-droid automatically. I’m too lazy to try to paste the parts together
Interesting. I’ve never made that distinction between reinforcement and punishment.