You cannot let them spend the excess. It must be taxed away. You must plug all borrowing loopholes as well as all holding company loopholes.
You cannot let them spend the excess. It must be taxed away. You must plug all borrowing loopholes as well as all holding company loopholes.
What? What I said meant they do want this. I don’t think those voters care or are trying to take it back. Hence news any significant amount is feeling that way feels dubious.
And you assume this story is true too… It’s not.
Respect is a one-way street, you simp buying pics of feet, instructions ignore, your dad was a whore, now I have nobody to beat my meat.
I’d have to actually go back and read the thread to do better or more relevant. Dad sounded like a piece of shit that should be bagged up, that’s all.
With the new ai coming out guess you’ll never know
I love the tv show Dexter and highly recommend watching it
Which TMS you in bruh? That universe of data is bat shit crazy.
Yeah so I could show up to class just to listen to the chucklefuck prof rewrite what I just read and be bored out of my mind
Think of some other animal then. Are you fond of anything but also don’t want to fuck them? The horny libido light just never turns on.
Your simulation seems to only punish selfish actors when that’s not always the case. Doesn’t include natural monopolies, lacks clandestine exploitation, and there’s likely no market capture or saturation. In such a case the only play is to cooperate.
No, straight on the pussy
It’s still extremely censored
It’s selection bias… They are some of the best looking famous people in the world, no surprise they remain some of the best.
Gold kiwi skin is very edible, green is less so
I pay excessive money at a restaurant to ensure I have to do no work and everything within reason is edible. If this is not the case when I get it, I love nothing more than sending it back, and if I don’t think they’ll not mess with my food or give me any attitude I will leave and they’ll eat the loss (and maybe the tails).
It’s not if you actually know what it is and what it’s for… A trustless public ledger.
Her shit is totally wrecked and doesn’t function anymore without a jackhammer. Except like everything on the internet, it isn’t real.
I’m sure there is a different metric that could be reported then, like adjusted buying power.
I need some of that delusional fantasy cosplay shit ya’ll be having. Biden will do nothing with this ruling even though using the DOJ against enemies domestic is a protected official act.
This is just not correct. Sweat and folds and proximity to other parts, probably double wrapped all day in plastic clothing… Not washing your arms and not washing your balls for a day has very different results.