It’s not nearly as addictive as nicotine or ethanol…
It’s not nearly as addictive as nicotine or ethanol…
Screw both. If you don’t measure temperature in Kelvin don’t talk to me.
The European retards say things like this as though they themselves haven’t swung far right lately. Pot meet kettle.
This is just typical America bad copium by the Europoors and internalized hate by American Euroboos.
Sure it would. Global warming is the will of the Sun God. Praise be.
They should hire ex US Air Force drone pilots.
Sounds like Charlotte just needs to get dicked down good.
He got shot by the burger king and the dairy queen and lived to tell about it.
You can always release your software under the GPL and charge a licensing fee for an alternative proprietary license. Even the FSF and Richard Stallman are okay with that and it can absolutely be a viable and ethical business model.
Nobody in my industry bothers to read them. You’d be lucky if they spend more than a minute on the resume so they’re a waste of time.
It isn’t a thing in the US anymore either.
They get paid on commission which is why they always put their stickers on anything you buy so the store knows who sold it to you.
Me with Microcenter employees.
I gotchu
I accept our new Scandinavian overlords. But I would rather have it be Finland.
Plead permanent sanity. If I was the judge I would let you go.
It’s not like he was a hit with the ladies. He just raped whoever he wanted to.
What about that guys who blessed the rains down in Africa?
I strongly disagree.
I hate that schools basically teach students to over use classes for everything especially by using Java as a teaching language and then they get into the real world or grad school and we have to unteach them those terrible habits.
I’m so glad a lot of the newer languages (Rust, Go, Zig, C3, V) don’t have classes in them at all.
Wifi 7 is insanely fast to the point where it can easily be just as good as wired ethernet and can even beat a lot of the wired standards except the few latest ones. It’s a good choice for devices where running a cable wouldn’t be very practical, but you need wired level speed and reliability.