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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2023


  • Not whining like a kid and not supporting something just because it doesn’t look like it’s gonna have a landslide win or even may have a chance to lose.

    It is a closed voting system still, ffs. Nobody will judge you because you take some minutes and stand by something you support even if you think it is going to lose, which is still just a propaganda effect as the French 2nd election just showed how people are more prone to get their asses political for a few days and go vote for what they want.

  • Look, I said I agree with fanaticism being ramped up for Biden on the Democrat side of the politicians and media. It will of course be turned into a camper discussion among the left show one candidate a weak one and support another to run for the presidency, because this sounds sensible to some leftists while not to the others. And in this race, there will be zealous support for either side, because now the already tenuous left unity is hit on a breaking point that has been amateurishly left open, or even engineered to be weak in the first place.

    Biden sounding weak will be played by the obvious right wingers, agent provocateurs hiding behind anonymity and obscurity (internet trolls and random ass op-eds and old-school newspaper media influencers), career-chasing opportunist elements within the Democrat political organization and so on. The same will be put up for any other possible candidate instead of Biden. Kamela Harris, for example, is already being targeted as such.

    Now you have Biden camp that thinks all the Kamela camp and others are out to hinder Biden’s campaign because he’s the stronger candidate, and you also have the Kamela camp that thinks the same for their side. Everybody stopped talking about Project 2025 in a day, and nobody took a glance at what blunders and lies Trump said on the show.

    Mind you, I don’t have a damn bone in the Biden game. Under normal circumstances, I’d like to see him tried and hanged at The Hague for keeping unquestioned offensive weapons deliveries to Israel, as someone from Turkey seeing how the longstanding U.S. policies and each president’s preference towards where to apply their presidential powers is turning our neighboring countries to mass graves. You’d think I’d argue for Biden to go while his old-man blundering is fresh and other options are talked, but unfortunately I have also experienced a similar case here in Turkey’s presidential elections last year. It was a shit show engineered for the left and the left just jumped the gun on it.

    Let me give a brief summary of it. We had a Bernie like left candidate in the strongest left opposition party. All in all, a good guy for the people, with a milder approach on forming a coalition with some center-right parties along with other left parties to have a better chance at winning the election. We also had younger state governors of İstanbul and Ankara being favoured by a lot of left wing people. When the elections came closer, a few months earlier like the current situation you have in the U.S., rumors having one of these state governors running instead of the previous runner and the party leader. Soon it turned into a shit show of every left camp arguing with each other and putting on bad appearances for other rumored candidates etc., the whole shebang you guys are going to experience in the following weeks. All the while fucking Erdoğan receded from the media, mind you this was also coincided by an act of god turning our whole south-east province to dust with a 7 magnitude earthquake, killing more than 45k citizens officially. All the pain discussed, all the incompetency and the right-wing corruption, all the pardoned houses made using sand, etc. all the faults of the 20-years-leading Erdoğan and his party have been left untalked just before the elections, and everyone kept bickering about who should be the left’s candidate, with all options having been derided to hell and back while also defence of by talking about their accomplishments have been considered as shilling for them. I believe you can see the same picture being painted in the U.S. these days. Simply saying that these last minute fractions in the left by not accepting to eat some still mediocre shit in order to be united and win the election won’t help you guys at all.

    I’m leaving it to you to reconsider if the fanatic defense of Biden in this context has some merit or at least practicality, and how much values can be allowed to be temporarily ignored to win this election.

    In my opinion, Biden, whom I have every reason to hate as a foreigner because of his international politics, should go as much as using a newly-enabled presidential act to get rid of the by-far-popular head of the hydra Trump, whose incompetency and treason to his country had let some breathing room in the Middle East. But even as an outsider, I have to see the difference.

  • Yeah, I’m not feeling at a loss for learning about such an argument being used to refute such out of ordinary policies. It is silly enough to warrant not hearing it. I mean, if you disregard the latest, U.S. nukes being maintained and upgraded with billions of dollars of cost being a longstanding U.S. policy and not one particular to anyone being the president, I can understand it.

  • While I agree that there is an unfettered loyalty and praise campaign masquerading as trying to paint over Biden’s abysmal show performance, I’m not keen on reflecting this to the Democrat base as a paradigm shift towards using the Republican-type propaganda.

    You have your politicians, you have your media persons, you have your paid actors and private beneficiaries praising unsulliable songs of whatever they want to be supported. This goes for all sides.

    But calling all the Democrats, maybe I’m taking this further than the meme intended, Biden shills and conducting in a Trump-supporter behavior is cynical. While it is good to warn against letting one’s values dilute too much, having Biden in a bit more of a spotlight as a tool to fight fire with fire does not warrant such a self-brake at this intensity, especially now that Biden has promised not to abuse the abuse-intended supreme court ruling.

  • They… A lot of them got drafted or volunteered to be a part of the larger German army? A lot of them didn’t know about the heinous acts of the SS? What they knew about were propagandized about mostly moving the jewish population out of the country? Poles being liberated, same as we hear about “liberation” or bringing democracy these days? Most of them not even knowing about any extermination camps or such?

    A lot of drafted/volunteered youth thinking it is about “the prosperity of the fatherland” got killed in the war? While I’m a proponent of not lauding the death of soldiers, I live in the real word where bullets can’t be stopped by kind words, hugs, kisses or butterflies. So they kinda got what was needed to be done, maybe not what they deserved as their intentions weren’t the ones of Nazis directly.

    Rest of the civilian population? They suffered the consequences of bringing such an extreme nationalist party to power by their own votes and support, not by tyrannical power grab. And from what I see, Germans citizens are doing pretty well currently, after their fascist state has been torn apart and they got to see the outside of their propaganda bubble.

    Kindly tell me which part of this sounds worse than the genocide that has been perpetuated in Palestine all these decades?

  • Land_Strider@lemmy.worldtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldSlip n slide
    8 months ago

    ‘Biden’s’ policies are longstanding US policy that would be unlikely to be changed quickly by any candidate.

    As an outsider, this is the first time I’m hearing this rhetoric being used to dismiss accomplishments done specifically thanks to a president, especially with their contemporary competitors in consideration. Still, nothing unexpected.

    Edit/Addition (submitted the reply in the middle by mistake): I don’t think the intention is muddying that here, tho. Fanatics and show people exaggerating support and diminishing or downplaying mistakes to sweep the bad appearances under the rug do exist in both sides. My gripe with the meme, maybe I’m taking it more literally than it is, is that the criticism about the exaggerating and double standards is reflected to the regular, at least critically thinking democrat voter base.

  • I don’t know who you are targeting with the “democrats” in this meme, but as far as I’m seeing people who are not fanatics of either team but support the democrat party and its policies are pretty much uncomfortable about the whole Israel genocide and don’t downplay it with the “but honoring previous sales, but floating duck, but reviewing sold weapons’ use” bullshits.

    They are divided on the latest supreme court ruling not being utilized in favor of getting rid of Trump once and for all, and both camps have problems and utility.

    2024 democrats are the most “hold your nose and keep supporting Biden” with the source of the smell now splat on their faces while knowing that letting the boat sink is undisputably the worst outcome.

    If you are talking about politicians, when have they ever not been finicky showpersons saying all the conflicting things?