Thank you so much, I think this is going to be a massive help!
Thank you so much, I think this is going to be a massive help!
I like the idea of having a morning coffee again (I did a couple of days on the 30 and just took the dose a bit later), which made my mornings feel a bit more relaxed…
Getting the timing right is a bit tricky as my workday can vary but that’s something I will (hopefully) get better at over time…
Do you have any issues taking a break? I have been wondering if skipping a day or two would be a bad idea once I’m settled in a bit, although if I get the dose right maybe I won’t feel that need.
Thanks for this, yes looking forward to chatting with him and getting this adjusted back down to a lower dose which I think is the right thing for me.
It could be exhaustion. I tried having a much higher protein breakfast this morning (ended up with a hot Huel meal in the end) and I didn’t feel quite as zombie-ish today but I still think everything is a bit too muted on this dose.
I still have a few days of the 50mg left and then I’m due to go up to 60, with my follow up with the doc next week.
How do you split the capsules? Are they just powder inside?
I am scared to open one 😅
Thank you for this, really appreciate the feedback and your experience!
I think you are right, and I like the idea of having a booster available but not necessarily something to take daily unless it’s needed.
I really hope so!
If anyone has any questions about using adhd 360 as their RTC provider as well I am happy to answer them (I’ll add that to my post as well!)
I just recently had my assessment with ADHD360 - I had picked them because at the time they had the shortest waiting list (although my GP was slow so I was delayed…)
I found the whole process quite smooth. Some online assessments and questionnaires, and an input for health data (height/weight BP,HR) - they sent me a home blood pressure machine for this.
The assessment itself was something I had been stressing over but my assessor was friendly, and anytime I got stuck he would ask a probing or clarifying question which was very useful.
Best of luck!
Human, dog, horse, and flamingo comparison for those who are not aware.
Probably a question for your healthcare provider or dial 111 if you need more urgent advice (assuming you are UK, otherwise look up the non emergency number for your area).