The standard Arduino platform is essentially C, just with some standard hardware-near procedures hidden away as far as I know. You can just write standard C code in two blocks: init and loop. Then the loop block will be repeated for ever. For controlling voltage pins you have easy commands similatlr to like pinState(PinNumber, on/off). I do not know about the others you mentioned, but there definetely is also some implementations for Raspberry Pi control by drag&drop. There is no need to limit yourself with those though.
Totally legit response in regards to resource exhaustion and climate change, but IMO not regarding the degradation of democracy. In a larger scale this could easily lead to a demographic shift towards regressive political views.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gonna put into a kid into this world, especially not for reasons of ideological puppeteering, but to conclude my too serious take on the meme and your comment, I do not quite see how they are related.