Just a 🏳️🌈 bisexual ∞ neurodivergent 🇧🇷 brazilian 🚩 comrade that loves Berserk, JoJo’s and 🐧 Linux.
Is a slave that kills their slaver in the wrong just because they used violence? Obviously not, they are justified, your reasoning is just dumb.
Least delusional ancap lmao
Real rich coming from an ancap. Anti-communism is fascism. You’re simply on the picture and you don’t link it.
Really telling how you feel the need to be anti-Communist on an antifascist meme. Specially when it was the “tankies” that destroyed fascism on WW2. But not surprising coming from a naz.ijust.works user
EDIT: I just realized feddit blocks both Lemmygrad and Hexbear, so this user cannot see my comment. If anyone wants to use/copy my comment or link directly to it, feel free to do so, I believe I provided enough evidence to debunk most of this user’s sourceless claims. It’s a shame some instances just block us and shows who they truly are.
E: any of you downvoters, feel free to correct me, I’d love to be wrong.
You throw a bunch of claims with zero source and wants to be taken seriously. At least give us the bare minimum before just spewing this much US State Department propaganda.
That being said, I will address some of your points, since someone else might stumble upon this and need an actual answer.
They don’t have CCP officials required by law to work at tech companies and disclose any and all data they acquire?
Keeping a close look on the companies on their country and keeping them on a short leash is good actually. China is not a capitalist hellhole like the US or most of the world, it is a socialist state where the rich does not control the government. Keeping them in check is the right thing to do given their current development level of socialism.
They’re not using Uyghur slaves in their factories?
That’s a new one, so far I have only heard about how they are being genocided. Which you can debunk with a little bit of research: Arab League’s visit to Xinjiang rejects Western accusations of ethnic genocide, religious persecution.
They’re not trying to literally erase Taiwan off the maps?
LMAO, no. Taiwan is part of China, why would China want to erase part of itself off the map? Even the US agrees. The only thing China wants is proper reunification with Taiwan.
They’re not still censoring information about their horrific pasts?
What “horrific past”? Be specific, this vague stance achieves nothing. If you’re talking about Tiananmen Square, here’s a good video about that: The Tiananmen Square “Massacre” Never Happened.
They’re not targeting, retaliating against and kidnapping protestors domestic and abroad?
Again, provide a damn source, I have no idea of what you’re talking about and it is something I never saw anyone claim before.
What I can do tho is bring into attention the names of a few people like Huey P. Newton being killed by the US government and Snowden having to seek asylum abroad after blowing the whistle on the US surveillance state for the world to see. And if that’s not enough, how about Pro-Palestinian protesters clash with US police on second night of DNC and New Report Details How Pro-Palestinian Protests Are Suppressed in Democratic Countries.
They’re not censoring virtually every US social website entirely from the entire country?
No they are not, Microsoft operates in China. Not only that, but they do not explicitly want to simply ban US sites on there, it’s a simple matter of national sovereignty where companies like Facebook and Google refuse to abide by Chinese law, so China simply developed all their tools in-house. Not only that, but Chinese citizens have access to VPNs and can easily access websites abroad that are not usually allowed in China.
Meanwhile the US banned Huawei and tried to ban TikTok when it became apparent they could not control it and that the people were seeing the US for what it truly is, a genocidal state funding Israel in it’s attempt to genocide the Palestinian people.
The last link I posted is a proxy on 12ft.io since The Intercept won’t allow to see the page without registering.
Incredible write up comrade. I was not aware of Einstein’s views on the Chinese and on Zionism.
I guess it depends on the country. Unfortunately here in Brasil it’s rather common to find people that believes in “cultural Marxism” and how our education system is Marxist or leftist or some shit. Which is total BS used to smear and drive people away from higher education.
Oh noes, the ebil gommunist seeseepee tankies!!!1!
How dare they stand for the truth that even the Arab League didn’t find China commiting genocide or oppressing the people of Xinjiang and disproving the now abandoned false narrative about Tiananmen Square.
No no no, your views should thoroughly align with the US state department. CHINA IS EBIL!!!
A bunch of sourceless claims.
China is repressing the Tibetans
It’s always nice seeing you shitheads on the side as the slavers. Fuck China for liberating Tibet amirite my fellow redditors?
committing genocide against the Uyghurs to create a Han ethnostate
Arab countries have send representatives to China and unmasked the false western propaganda of Uyghur genocide, please try something new, this horse has been beaten to death. Not even the west is clinging to this narrative anymore.
Dissent, especially in China, is heavily policed.
Police arrest pro-Palestinian protesters outside of New York Stock Exchange.
They took our dystopian monetary credit system and cranked it up to 11 with social credit
China’s Orwellian Social Credit Isn’t Real.
The fact that you and I are allowed to post about America’s past transgressions and speak highly critically of the government (and believe it or not, I do that quite a lot) is proof that we as a global superpower are freer than them
MLK and Huey P. Newton. Also the police arresting pro-Palestinian protesters I already linked.
But I’ll take our flawed, bourgeois democracy over domination by than the outright fascist rule by our competitors.
The US is the one supporting fascists worldwide. Just look at the history of US interventions. Here’s three examples in Latin America alone: Fulgencio Batista, US backed military coup in Chile that put Pinochet in power and the US backed military coup in Brasil in 1964.
But above all that I prefer peace and freedom.
As evidenced above, no you do not.
There’s actually a Cuban indie game on Steam. It’s called Saviorless. Haven’t played it, but I heard it’s good.
I think the flaw is human nature. All governments and organizations are corrupt. All implementations are always twisted to suit the greed of individuals.
Please take your nickname seriously for a moment and do some critical thinking about what you just said.
“Human nature” being greedy and corrupt is a completely horrible and wrong argument that only serves to keep us desillusioned about change. Saying that human nature is greedy and corrupt while currently living in a capitalism system is the same as studying human nature inside a coal mine and coming to the conclusion that it must be human nature to cough your lungs out. Our environment have a deep influence on us and you can’t just ignore that.
If you really want to argue about human nature, the simple fact that we are social creatures that often help each other out of empathy and compassion already negates your argument.
It’s entirely possible to create policy and enforcement mechanisms that would mitigate or eliminate excessive greed but nobody with anything votes for it because they’ll lose out on their own personal greed by their measure.
Voting will not change the system, you cannot change it from within. The capitalist class might give us a few breadcrumbs here and there to keep us from revolting, but they will always do everything to keep the system as it is because it benefits them as a class.
This is not an individual issue. As much as some individuals are horrible pieces of shit, these interests are collective and shows the class struggle in society.
It’s not, but I’m sure that’s hard to believe when you need to hate me because I disagreed with you on a point of factual statistics.
So, when you call us tankies it’s all fine and dandy, but the moment someone responds, they are hating on you? Lol
What a way to call yourself a fascist uh
You could start with communist content on YouTube. That tends to be more easily digestible and eases you into reading theory later on.
I can recommend channels like Second Thought, Yugopnik, Hakim, revolutionaryth0t and Ian Neves/História Pública (you’ll need to use subtitles for this one if you don’t speak portuguese).
What no theory does to a mf.
But seriously, you got it wrong. We would all prefer if things go nonviolent, but that is not possible.
Not only that but the post is just a joke, adventurism is not something that’s incentivized in leftist groups/movements afaik.
And your rethoric about “anyone that have more than I do” is completely wrong. The problem is not someone earning more than other people, but the bourgeoisie, the ultra rich, the ones that lobby for their interests, that buy and sponsor politicians. Anyone else is much closer to the poor than they are to the rich.
Also this has nothing to do with jealously. You should read some Marx to at least understand what you’re trying to criticize and oppose. Or at least watch some Marxist creators like Second Thought, Yugopnik and Hakim.
People will always suffer. There’s a multitude of variables as to why people around the world suffer.
Let’s take a step back. Why does the majority of people suffer under capitalism? Because they have to live in a world where they don’t get good, free healthcare, don’t have a right to a house, don’t earn nearly enough to live comfortably, don’t have enough vacation, can’t afford to take a trip, don’t have time to enjoy their lives, are alienated from their work, have shitty jobs, work too much, etc, etc, etc.
That creates a necessity for charities for all the basic stuff everyone should have, but doesn’t currently have. If we give free good healthcare for everyone, the need for charities to threat people disappears. If we give everyone a home, the need for charities for homeless people, disappear.
Okay, so how about they don’t donate to charities… no more technical advancement in medicine, so people can be poor and die from disease.
What??? You do know that most breakthrough advancements doesn’t come from the private initiative right? It comes mainly from public, government expending, into research. This idea that private entities advance society is just a liberal propaganda lie that is peddled to us all the time since birth.
Charities isn’t something you enforce or eliminate. It is a free choice to give. Mandate it and you’re just legalizing theft by the authority.
I’m not talking about making charities illegal, I, like every other communist in the world, am talking about solving the issue at it’s roots, eliminating capitalism, and that requires eliminating exploitation through labor and eliminating the rich and insanely wealthy as a class.
They donate not because of the goodness in their heart, but because they get tax cuts from it.
Furthermore, what does donation really accomplish when:
People are still suffering, regardless of how many charities there are and how much money they get;
Those wealthy donors are the reason people continue poor since they are only wealthy by exploiting other people’s work.
Charities shouldn’t need to exist in the first place.
FOSS is political. Sure, there are right wingers in FOSS projects, but the nature of it is leftist.