If you saw this somewhere, why is it obviously not the raw image but cropped out from somewhere?
If you saw this somewhere, why is it obviously not the raw image but cropped out from somewhere?
Homophobic… ._.
This looks so much like a hotel room
I don’t need 2007 for that 😎
While this is true (I assume), the share of people living in poverty is not the only important metric. Authoritarianism has been on the rise for a long time; look at the Freedom of the World report. Since 2006, every single year had more countries getting more authoritarian than countries getting less authoritarian:
The problem is that this argument can really be made both ways. If someone said Israel shouldn’t exist because Palestinians used to live there before that, that’s just essentially the same argument.
Why nervous? Maybe they just asked for their crush to like them
I thought they rebranded to sticky bandits?
I mean terrorists implies terror, right? Toppling a brutal authoritarian dictatorship and releasing thousands of people from abhorrent conditions and torture doesn’t seem like terror.
No republicans would ever be in favor of the rich :clueless:
That’s not the point. Obviously everyone recognizes and knows this, but it still changes something about your impression subconsciously, even if you think it doesn’t affect you.
Maybe committed to destroy a healthy work environment, e.g. a work environment in which employees can be open about how they feel and don’t need to fake being happy?
So unrelatable. Fearing all the time that friends are leaving me.
If the statement is everyone liked that, just a single person disagreeing technically matters to invalidate it 😅
What did they do again?
I mean technically it is a policy proposal :P
Who cares if it’s funny? And it is funny
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