That sucks. Ours come to the door. To me that’s part of the point, you don’t want to leave your home, so you order something, right?
That sucks. Ours come to the door. To me that’s part of the point, you don’t want to leave your home, so you order something, right?
While Switzerland has universal health care it’s just by virtue of mandating everyone to get insurance from a private insurer.
At least there is a basic insurance package called Grundversicherung, which the insurers have to accept you for that has defined coverage. But it doesn’t cover luxury bones (teeth) or vision.
Anyway I’m just trying to say choose one of the other 31 to model the US system after.
No no, of course they all do. Fedora just comes with SELinux out of the box, probably still a consequence of it once being downstream of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, before IBM came.
Spain, Amsterdam, and Dubai
What makes those three fit together? I’ve been to Barcelona and Amsterdam, but wouldn’t dream of going to Dubai.
Ah I misunderstood, I thought you meant scumbag CEOs were typically men
Almost, there is also Elizabeth Holmes
The End
Would have been really funny if you said
Thai End
Wait is that the Stoya? I had no idea she was writing for Slate now!
What the fuck, bruises and not being able to sit for a few days. That’s way worse than what I envisioned from the beginning of the article.
A centuries-old tradition in Germany’s Borkum where young men hit women on the buttocks with a cow horn using cow horn during the Klaasohm festival will be discontinued.
With a cow horn using a cow horn? Sounds like a difficult thing to do, holding a cow horn with another cow horn. I’d have assumed the coefficient of friction would be too low.
I agree. Another good trick: Don’t buy a 4K screen. GPU’s work for much longer that way.
Also Remy pilots a human mecha.
While they may co-occur, I think my enjoyment of Salt & Vinegar chips is independent of my freakiness and perversion
But currencies aren’t traded only on one exchange, but all over, surely you can’t suspend trading for currencies?
Then the output only applies to people with Triple X Syndrome I suppose.
I’m currently playing Elden Ring for the first time and I’m note sure if I’m not just doing it for self-flagellation instead of fun
Maybe I’m desensitized because our group address is published in multiple places on the web, but that email is not even slightly noteworthy. This November we’ve already gotten 7 emails that said our mailbox was full or we needed to change its password.
To me this is just background noise of the Internet.
Depends on who’s writing the laws. Sometimes crime is moral.
With the resurgence of chauvinist parties who ignore human rights this is important to keep in mind at the moment.
He’s high profile and people might want to break him out. That’s probably the reason.