There is still not a neat replacement for wmic in PowerShell. If I want to do the equivalent of wmic product where name="some shitware" call uninstall
it looks like this:
$instance = Get-CimInstance win32_process -Filter "Name = 'powershell_ise.exe'" $instance | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName 'Terminate'
Like how the hell is that easier to understand Microsoft? Everything else in PowerShell follows a general pattern of Upper Camelcase.
That’s just one instance of what I’ve found working with pwsh at work that leaves me thinking wtf
I still have mine as a secondary work phone. Love the size and format of it in general, although I think I’d still prefer a phone slightly bigger (~10%) and with a higher resolution (1080p?) display, mainly for media consumption.
Outside of that, I second the slow and buggy comment (although in my experience this has been mostly with Microsoft Teams, which is a buggy mess regardless)