A Home Assistant standing desk controller exists. I don’t have a standing desk, but if I did I’d have it automatically rotating every half hour.
A Home Assistant standing desk controller exists. I don’t have a standing desk, but if I did I’d have it automatically rotating every half hour.
The guy in the comic should’ve looked up the prices of used Maseratis before feeling bad, they’re like 10-20k. I could afford a Maserati if I wanted to, but I’m trying to save up 60 grand for a down payment on a house on some land a fraction the size of this guy’s tree house plot.
Yes, but he doesn’t bother.
I’ve heard a story about a college campus that didn’t install any paths, waited for natural dirt paths to form in the grass, then installed paths there. Neat idea.
I just thought of a brand new completely different and revolutionary product. A toilet that flushes automatically when you get off the toilet using my patented technology Aii, Artificial Intelligence Infared. I’ll call it the iToilet AI^2. I’m going to be rich.
I’m glad I saw it, but that doesn’t mean OP (and others) can’t do better.
Not going out of your way to crop the artist’s info out is the bare minimum. Friction is everything, if there’s a link, there’s a way higher chance folks will visit.
Not sharing it in the first place is way more of a dick move than me calling you out for it.
Sharing credit
Liked this enough to go find the creator. Sharing a link to their work, unlike OP.
Yeah, for sure. I’m not blaming him, to be clear.
I heard about people doing this and tried it and it just fucked my shit up. I even continued to try it a few more times after that failure, and couldn’t get it to make sense to me. I probably need someone to show me I guess.
We made a spreadsheet at my job, and found an occurance of this. Brought it up to my manager. He seemed to agree, generally he’s a cool guy imo, but I have yet to see a change in my compensation.
Hah, yeah, my family is pretty neat and tidy in general.
Airbnb type thing, yeah, for Wednesday night through to Sunday.
We rent a house for Thanksgiving every other year. This year’s house has a broken oven thermostat, the oven’s element just stays on no matter what you set the temp to. This has unironically been us, though we got a chair.
At least it isn’t a Phillips
Even my wife says you’re an idiot if you can’t understand that language is constantly changing and evolving. Female has become an undesirable work to use to describe women, as it’s so often used by incels and other undesirable groups of people. In combination with the fact that female describes one’s junk, not how they identify, it just isn’t a good word to use when you’re actually talking about women.
I am not able to snap so I cannot snap at service workers. Feels bad to learn I’m not an American.