What else would you identify him as?
What else would you identify him as?
Also because of that one episode that put a standard limit on warp travel, the entire warp scale got rejiggered at some point. Where warp 10 became the upper limit.
There are episodes where ships are noted to have been travelling at warp 13 or 14 before they reworked warp speeds
Trying to fucking survive the last fucking 40 years of this life i didn’t ask for
Hmm would nintendo go after UH if their fraudelent dmca damaged nintendos control of their copyright by weakening copyright law in the us?
Please, can we send nintendo at them like a rabid dog?
I met this guy that WALKED across Canada for this same cause.
Hes a great singer too!
Clean any shiny metal decorative things that get very hot before. Such as stoves and and fireplaces if you want to avoid burning in such things
Now I’ll pull out all your pubic haaaaaaiiiiiiiiiir🎶
Death is not always tragic. Life is cheap and always had been. The natural world shows us how little the world cares about life and always has. Just accept this, try to be better than this and move on
At 45 seconds you can see there is some in the way going too slow and in the middle of the road! That bus driver would have hit them if they didn’t try to slow down some how. I think they had more skill than you believe.
Believe it or not I’m not doubting your experience and agree with your assessment of laying off the brakes, but can you tell us how you would have done differently to avoid the jackass in front of I’m correct that they were blocking the road?
They really have become the third reich
No… But there are still some embarrassed Israeli people who also don’t condone there government and those people don’t deserve our hate.
This guy sure was fuck isn’t one of them though
And mutually beneficially so does UBI et al
I think it’s perfectly fine if our pre school teachers have this kind of life experiences to draw upon and use to teach kids
Not why i commented but I’ll answer anyway, i cannot
My friend just had part of his toe amputated.
Like an hour ago maybe not even…
Please for all that is wonderful in the world start telling me every. Single. One of these.
Or convince her to just start telling me them. I need the ammo to crush my rivals
I believe transwarp was a different thing altogether