Idk, dude. I’ve met people I swear are autistic but social but they’re overly rigid about social norms and being polite. I don’t buy it (what you’re saying). Anyone can be interested in anything.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
Idk, dude. I’ve met people I swear are autistic but social but they’re overly rigid about social norms and being polite. I don’t buy it (what you’re saying). Anyone can be interested in anything.
Clown Domme, Croc gimp
In the US we call bathroom sinks sinks as well. I’ve heard basin before, I wouldn’t be confused by it, but it’s not really the standard.
Prior to reading this I may have assumed “basin” referred to sinks that are standalone on pedestals as opposed to ones built into counter tops.
You baby your cookware and debate the differences of each type.
I don’t even know what type of cookware I have.
We are not the same.
Funding ran out before we could finish the meme.
Ohhh. No, I think it’s because my parents didn’t make me try many foods when I was young and then once they began it was the big ordeal of never letting me leave the table until I tried some. Many times I would wait them out because things just disgusted me that much.
I’d still describe myself as a pretty “picky eater” and I loathe trying anything new in public, but I’ve gotten a lot better and I have pickier friends too now. (It helps not being the most picky lol.)
I don’t think so, no. Why?
There are just a ton of foods that input in my mouth that immediately make me feel like I’m going to vomit. I really hate it.
“Heh heh heh, finally, I can sneak enough explosive toothpaste into the plane!”
That’s the terrorists right now, how do you feel now, huh? It’s not a joke. TSA is extremely serious. 😤
I ordered a TV mount (not from Temu). I had to install some app called Shop to get tracking information. The settings had a data and privacy section so I go in to turn off third party ad shit. They direct me to a form that accepts my email address and say it may take up to seven days?? Like, what? Just give me a check box.
This is going to sound weird. I had this epiphany about self love recently. I pictured myself as two different people and imagined what I would do for the other to show them I love them. It’s sort of changed my perspective on things, at least a little.
Same here, unless I’m making something truly trivial. Even half baked POCs I know I won’t finish or go anywhere I slap AGPL on.
Depending on the grievance it might still be “class warfare” depending on how loosely you define it.
Twisted pairs go brrrrrr
My house was built around the same time and had the same feature. I guess VOIP stuff was beginning to take off and people still had land lines. I can’t imagine much new construction has anything for phones.
30 years is very different than 8000 lol.
I remember reading a primary source about someone’s experience fixing Y2K stuff. I wish I could find it or remember more. The funniest part was that they actually got everything to work, but on January 1st when they tried to get into work their badge didn’t work! The system on their badge reader was broken due to Y2K lol.
I get your point, but in the same way that people “shouldn’t” have been using two digits for year storage, there are certainly many parsers of ISO 8601 that don’t match the spec. In 8,000 years I don’t think this will be a problem though lol. I don’t think we can really perceive what technology might be like that far in the future. But, hypothetically, is year 10,000 was in a few days and this was year 9,999 I would suspect we’d see at least some problems come January.
As an example, YAML 1.2 changed Boolean representation to only be case insensitive in 2009, but in 2022 people still complain about the 1.1 version. (Caveat: I don’t know if this person actually ran into a “real” problem or only a hypothetical one.)
Clearly making a fun joke about my cookware ineptitude. Also I didn’t say I didn’t care, I said I didn’t know.