the malicious package was added to PyPi last year in June and has been downloaded 885 times so far.
That’s a pretty long time to go undetected. Makes you wonder how many other similar packages there currently are, yet to be discovered, in PyPi, npm and others.
The website (Telegram in this case, but can be any website) adds a specifically crafted text to the clipboard and then tricks the user into pasting that text into the Windows Run dialog, which can be used to execute any command(s), basically like a command prompt.
The text the attacker places in the clipboard is actually a command to download and execute an executable file from the internet, giving the attacker remote access to the system or whatever the payload happens to be.
It’s a pretty clever trick. Perhaps MS should consider adding a warning before allowing pasting into the Run dialog or cmd for the first time. They already have this in the Edge browser console.