At least I’m not Russian, the only country with centuries of history of just fucking themselves to death.
Tell your sisters I’m a fan.
At least I’m not Russian, the only country with centuries of history of just fucking themselves to death.
Tell your sisters I’m a fan.
Russia isn’t a race.
Fucking inbred pieces of trash always self-sabotage, thankfully.
Only field Russia leads in is extremely violent and abusive porn, which is fitting.
Why, like in hell, would we want normal relations with that shit country of animals?
His podcast should always open with the curb your enthusiasm theme.
Let’s be honest, those were Hobbits led by orks wearing bad dwarf masks.
I’m an American who lived in the south, I"m just not white.
The South are my enemy, and probably always will be, a culture wholly founded and centered on racism should be the enemy of the world.
Hitler wrote about how they were the model to follow in Mein Kampf, and the Nuremberg laws are just Jim Crow with his name at the top.
He’s only a moron in most of the country.
In the south, he’s basically smarter than Einstein (not that they know who that is).
The ship has been towed outside the environment.
Please, Russia will scream about how they love them each, while fucking them and switching in between.
What’s sad is that the US doesn’t mind being sloppy seconds.
Stupid Liberal.
Jesus was a successful real-estate developer, just like his only begotten-son, blessed be his name.
Our mistake is foolishly assuming our opponents had shame.
They’re winning because the South are and have always been the ultimate class traitors.
Hitler wrote about Jim Crow with praise in Mein Kampf, the Nuremberg Laws just have his name written in at the top.
The main reason they voted for him? https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/29/politics/executive-actions-trump-school-choice/index.html
They got one of their greatest wishes back, it’s why they’re celebrating, they finally broke desegregation.
They can only see a class war as a race war, it’s their nature, and the only thing they have cared about since the founding.
Is your girlfriend single?
If you did, that would say more about you.
Traditionally, invasive species are a problem because they’re successful…
The real best aircraft were the threats we found along the way.
He’s more ginger now than man; twisted and evil.
Those back-alley ‘marriages’ to 13-year-old “virgins” aren’t going to last.
Again, that’s why I’m concerned it’s the latter.
Oh I’m sorry, I must have hit a real nerve.
Sorry to hear about your sister’s rough job.