Lol, No. Not even close. I’m a mechanical engineer and we’re super understaffed. It’s terrible!
Lol, No. Not even close. I’m a mechanical engineer and we’re super understaffed. It’s terrible!
I have no idea what that is though
If im not on dnd, yes. I work closely with project management and customers though.
My inbox with >1000 inread emails says otherwise. You want something from me? Call me. Emails are just for meeting notes and other information for archival. Fuck every single one asking me to do something via email.
Instant messaging is the absolutely worst by the way. Nothing is archived and its way less efficient than a quick call.
And he’s in the shop before the boss is.
I’m just surprised how they keep one-upping each other!
What a bunch of nut jobs, holy shit. They’re actually turning America into a gigantic parody of itself.
What a hero he was, fukken killed Hitler the mad lad!
That’s just bad preparation on your part. Bring a parasol, some cool beverages in an insulated bag, move closer to the water, take a dip in said water every once in a while. I fucking love beach days.
Sounds a bit like Gavin fucking Nelson.
Yeah, in hindsight that was some unfortunate wording Ü
Injecting your emotions into this whole ordeal doesn’t make it any truer. I’m in no way defending Israel by the way. I think Netanjahu is a fucking Nazi prick. But comparing the two headlines randomly like this is a form of propaganda. You’re doing this to invoke anger in people. I came to Lemmy to be free of this shit.
Except for treaties supporting the 2 factions, Russia invading Ukraine is a crystal clear situation. There’s no complexity at all. Putin decided to attack Ukraine once more, after annexing Crimea. Putin is a lying, power hungry sack of shit. Much like Netanjahu. But the whole Israel Palestine thing has a way longer history, with way more parties that were actively involved.
I’m any case, at least we agree that both wars are shit and I do appreciate that.
No, it was the official statement back then before investigations were made. This happened a couple of days after the Hamas kidnapped and killed a shit ton of Israelis. There still was some miniscule amount of credibility in this official statement, which turned out to be bullshit after a while.
And yes, I absolutely understand the invasion by Russia. That is not a complicated thing. I do not fully understand the Israel - Palestine conflict and neither do you. There’s also way more parties involved than Israel and Palestine.
What you’re doing is posting disgusting populist propaganda, downplaying the horrors of one conflict to shift attention to another. Just stop. Both conflicts are fucking disgusting.
You’re kinda downplaying the word genocide with your comment. Not a very efficient genocide if it’s been going on for 75 years.
This is not an opinion of mine, it’s what I read from your comment.
Just stop. This conflict has been going on for ages and is so complex, people have to actually study this shit to even remotely understand it.
Russia just fucked Ukraine.
All of this aside, the comparison of the two headlines is just dumb. The left side was from 2023, right after it happened. This was the official statement back then. What should they have written instead? They even used quotation marks. Fucking hell.
Tell that to the vast majority of Germans. They’d rather throw their relatives into the furnace for heating than buying a heat pump. That’s all thanks to far right populism by the way.
Inward opening windows are the standard in Germany and nearly everyone just buys a cheap bug-screen set that you can simply wedge into the window frame. They cost like 20€ a pop. There are all kinds of solutions for this.
Shit insulation is actually more of a pro argument for AC. I mean, the houses in the USA are made out of cardboard and gipsum. They dont insulate a thing. My house has great insulation. In summer I just keep the windows closed and roll down the shutters during daytime and it’s freezing cold inside. At night we get cool wind from either the North or Baltic sea, we then open up the windows to freshen the air up a bit.
The are little devils, for sure! But that’s what we kinda love about them. I’ve only ever met one really insane cat. She was unfortunately never castrated and was constantly horny but never had a mating partner. She fucking slashed the shit out of her owner, who actually needed treatment in the hospital. The entire face was ravaged, never seen anything like this. Honestly, fuck that owner. Completely unfit to keep a pet. The poor cat had to be put down because she was completely messed up in the head :(
Schuko is the only one anyone would ever need. Those gigantic tumors from the island are horrible. And don’t come with the fuse argument. A fuse belongs in the electrical cabinet and is the last failsafe. GFCIs are the ones protecting you l, the appliance and the house.