Is he on that lean? Or the lean with the xans?
Is he on that lean? Or the lean with the xans?
It was a better time.
Ding Fries are done!
They were “radial” profiling them!
My point is they are super citizens, with more rights and privileges and less things binding them.
This mother fucker are bugs on a gameshow. He is and always was a clown dancing for change.
Lol if you only knew.
When was the last time a corp was sentenced to death and executed?
Tires can’t be criminals, they are inanimate objects. Only humans and some higher intelligent animals can break the law.
Your mother was award-winning at a lot of things. The awards she received were behind the dumpster at the Chuckie cheeses.
Jokes are jokes. Your mother was a terrible teacher, swearing includes slurs, you know words that offend some people.
Protest that accomplished what exactly? Oh yeah absolute fuckall lol.
I mean they are African, I believe they can say that word…
Me here down voting your histo because I don’t like your user name.
Ha you think I pay taxes. Sitting across the pond with them jacked up teeth and fake accent.
Oh your European humor, so witty. To bad your not in the EU anymore like a proper country.
You boot licking tea drinker, your brain works like a candle in the wind.
Whut the fuck. Fuck the English. Fuck a monarch. It’s 2024 you wankers.
Trump 24! 2 brain cells 4 inch cock.