It looks like 40K is leaking again.
It looks like 40K is leaking again.
Oh yeah she is a big fan of money makes right instead of might makes right.
So I’m no a fan of her ideas. I have however read a lot of her stuff mostly to refute a friend who was a fan.
That said she was very much against violence to achieve political or personal goals. She was however very ok with using money and economic power to achieve goals.
So buying a business to fire someone you don’t like, shutting down a business to punish a town, etc. All completely ok in her book.
The DS9 writers would sometimes write a script that they knew would be approved and then give the actors “suggested improvised lines” for what they actually wanted.
I always took his reluctance being about the report he was going to have to make about the incident.
Yeah the problem isn’t the ideals being in there but how bad the story is makes the ideals seem like a cheap crutch.
Compare Brokeback Mountain to Ben and Arthur. Both movies about the relationship between gay men and society. Both say gay people should be treated fairly by socity but aren’t. The first does it in interesting way with great storytelling and ideas. The later is a hamfisted mess.
I’m not going to say modern Trek is Ben and Arthur bad but it is much closer to Ben and Arthur writing then it is to Brokeback Mountain.
So yeah the bird was me. But back in the day there was linux with a bunch of config files and windows with the registry.
It could be a pain to deal with config files but it was nowhere near as bad a dealing with the gigantic mess that was the windows registry. So someone trying to move linux away from one of the things that made it better then windows to a windows like system seemed like a horrible idea.
Combine that with the main systemd guy coming off as a bit of a jerk online and the resistance is understandable.
Fun trivia. It’s called a second because it’s the second division of an hour after minutes. You can keep going with thirds and fourths for sub second time.
As you wish. https://ifunny.co/video/TIQ4P7at6
You can inherit it from a psychopath.
Not trying to defend landlords but rent seeking is not what landlords do by default. Rent seeking is oddly enough not the same as trying to rent something for use.
Rent seeking is going to extra effort or expense to disallow use of something that would normally be usable without extra cost. So if a landlord installed locked shutters on the windows and charged you extra to remove them for a delux view that would be rent seeking.
Again not defending landlords. It’s just a ergonomic term that doesn’t mean what it sounds like it means.
The other problem is the ship signal they traced would have been frequency shifted by the same amount as the time dilation. They would have had to compensate for that to even detect the signal.
It was 1 hour : 7 years I think. So about a factor of 60,000. So if a ping was once a second it would be once every 42 days. And if it was a 1MHz transmission it would be at about 17Hz.
So they somehow realized the once a second 1MHz signal was now a every 42 day 17Hz signal at 1/60000 the power. But didn’t realize that there was time dilation involved.
Haven’t people been warning for years china was selling telecom backbone equipment at a loss. Probably so they would have their equipment with their backdoors in most of the world.
Yeah apprentice hasn’t been seen in a while. Last time I remember seeing him was when the virgin city got destroyed. (True slut adventures doesn’t count)
I’m going to regret this but what is a gunt?
More then 3 planets.
I can’t find anything similar on Jebora. Honestly probably time to switch.
If on the mobile app is there a way to check the sidebar rules?
The Hector cinematic universe.
Redhawk the coked out shop kid you normally want nothing to do with but will also give you a ride to another town at 3 am.