There will be Milk and Cookies
Gangs of North Pole
There will be Milk and Cookies
Gangs of North Pole
I read the next thought as Jean-Ralphio singing, “Now with no rabies!!!”
This is missing the 2nd plane
Who could have guessed crypto was all a big scam. I am shocked! Shocked, I tell you!!! Shocked!!!
Don’t assume the Bleach-Blonde-Bad-Butch-Bodies pronounouns. It also hates big words.
I think the media should stop trying to normalize what he is saying. Translating for him only helps him. They would never have done that for Biden or anyone else. I agree Trump is an imbecile.
How is the fact he said, “she’s not black… she put out…, I’ll say that” get get more news of Trump slut shaming
No one wants to clean potentially pissy water from the bathroom floor. It’s bad enough I have to clean my piss dribbles off the floor now
This design negates the overflow hole. The hole needs to be lower, or it needs to be made for people with smaller hogs
Things to say: Seat 1: You failed your teachers. Everyone strives to be smarter, yet you keep running from it
Seat 2: You paid 130k to sleep with some once once? Doesn’t sound like a great deal to me.
Seat 3: Just end this entire plane and give “god” the credit.
Seat 4: You know you’re a piece of shit.
Seat 5: So… how fuckable are these cushions to you?
Seat 6: You know you both are pieces of shit right!
Seat 7: How were your nights in China/Chyna
Seat 8: I asked if the lady next to the alleged molester is actually Candace Owen’s and not someone who looks like her and is being trafficked
Seat 9: pull out bag of popcorn
Seat 10: Why are you the way you are? Just why?
I find it disgusting, not a comment that brings up the kid has a non-verbal learning disability. The right cannot punch lower… as of yet
He looks so strong… like that turd that doesn’t want to flush.
My thought exactly. It mostly belts and gears now
Are we sure trump still doesn’t possess the codes hidden away in a box somewhere?
Don’t worry everyone, biden was soft spoken during the debate because of a … checks notes a cold. Report that despite the obvious issues with Dump
Dobby Never Meant To Kill. He Only Meant To Maim Or Seriously Injure… you piece of shit
I recall going to a time management seminar. The speaker said, “When the average interrupted during a task, even momentarily, the time it takes the person to get back on task is between 20-60 minutes, and can take longer”
I recall going to the UK after brexit, to a house party with family friends. I was hounded with how do you function with only a 2 week holiday. I then shared i had 4 weeks after 5 years. They were so confused that we could function with less than 6 weeks of vacation.
Burn out in the USA is a real thing. Our politicians will never vote for a mandatory vacation for anyone other than them selves
I was on the way home Sunday with my kid. Going down a road that’s 30mph. My house is on the left. I run my blinker on to turn into my driveway. A BMW speeds up and tries to pass on my left. Nearly T-Boned me. All I saw was the medallion and a lit-up UBER sign on the dash.
They managed to stop, flip me off, and sped away before I could even get my window down. What the fuck is thier issue?