Ok I can agree with you on that last part. But would you be ok with slide into an authoritarian government just because it was under a leftist banner? Would it be that different from a full blown fascist ruler? I’ve read plenty of leftist and anarchist theory and even if I can agree that it was a possible path, it was a path, not the path, same thing with eventual rise of socialism, it’s possible, not a given thing. Also no need to be condescending I’m trying to have a polite conversation here. I wanted your personal take on why you think majority of people were left leaning, I didn’t even disagree with it. The far right is gaining power because it’s gaining size. People choose authoritarian and racist rethoric above the alternative because it’s simpler. It’s force above philosophy. That’s why I said a pinch. Because if left populism goes in the same direction it will lead to the same conclusion even if the original goal was better.
Nowhere I said authoritarianism by the majority. And I’m not American so I’m assuming you are talking about the USA government. But let me see if understand what you are saying. Your take is that both neoliberals and the far right are both loosing support but that support is not going anywhere because people are just disengaging from politics? If that’s the case I agree. But also I don’t see how to re-engage people.