Pirates of the Burning Sea
Never heard of it, either
Pirates of the Burning Sea
Never heard of it, either
It’s not a straw man, the guy knows what he’s talking about. Destroying biodiversity is a major problem with a lot of tree farms and tree planting programs. Tree planting doesn’t HAVE to do that but that kind of management is hard to do, like the guy said
Two things
There’s a lot of political hobbyism on social media in general and Lemmy is really bad for it. Take for example the constant Elon Musk rage bait. No one is doing anything productive with that information. They’re just getting mad
We treat politics like entertainment and it’s making our politics worse. Personally I try to limit my exposure to politics that I don’t think will be productive. It might feel like the most important thing in the moment but it’s often a huge waste of time
That’s a false dichotomy in a lot of the comments here
We do both
Carbon capture isn’t so we can continue to use fossil fuels. It’s because once we get to 0 emissions we still need to draw down the carbon in the atmosphere
An ounce of prevention is almost always worth a pound of cure but we’re still going to want that cure because every extra tenth of a degree we can bring the Earth back to normal is going to be worth it
Low quality information is easier to produce than high quality information
Even worse, while people prefer high quality information, the preference is weaker than other preferences, such as the desire to see things that are cute or make you angry