Already did! They can’t ban my blood from helping others now, can they!
Yes, I downvote youtube links.
Already did! They can’t ban my blood from helping others now, can they!
uberautism, thank you very much. You’ve got to use fancy foreign words to make your mark, don’t ya know¿
Lol, he’s right. I got measles, or… at least, an attenuated version from the FFUKCING MMR VVAccine, you dolt!
Edit: Sorry
Great, now I’m on another list, but it’s not a cool one like “Most dangerous average person list.”
It’s more like, "People who cracked up watching a trump analogue wear a bronzed putin-bull’s testicles.’
I agree with you, but it will never happen without legislation forcing it. The insurance companies don’t care who the money comes from (for the most part), so take them out of the equation. The person purchasing the car will (rightfully) feel that they shouldn’t have liability because they’re not driving the car, but the manufacturer/dealer will also (rightfully) feel that they can’t control the environment that the owner subjects the car to, so the liability should be on the purchaser.
Right now, if you don’t maintain your tires, and you lose traction and cause a wreck, you’re at fault. If you don’t maintain your brakes and they fail and you slam into the back of another car, you’re at fault. Repeat ad nauseam for every part of the car.
Unless everything becomes leased (oh god, I can hear the comments about ‘you will own nothing, and you will be happy’ coming) and the manufacturer/dealer can force inspection of the car every x00 miles at the purchaser’s expense, they will happily (and successfully, because they’ll definitely sway the majority of american idiots with their ‘dire warnings’ about giving up ownership of your vehicle) that they shouldn’t be liable because they can’t ensure owners don’t set up a dangerous situation.
I also don’t see them ‘grounding’ a vehicle because a sensor says something is wrong. That is just screaming as the bad PR looms for the companies that would spearhead that thrust.
One of the scripts running on that page is squarespace, so I wonder if the artist just grabbed a preconfigured ‘blog’ style.
I love doing this, because two/three days later when I do laundry I find what I’ve been doing for the last few days as if I had kept a journal.
Those people don’t even care about that. If it massed up in a pile outside their house, but not in an area they used, they’d walk right past it every morning. Plus (to them, anyway), that wrapper won’t be there, because of wind/rain/wildlife. It’s out of sight, out of mind for them, and fuck anyone who has it end up in their area.
The truth. Depending on the context they will either report how many military veterans they employ (so just tabulation that goes to a checkbox if they bid for a government contract), or it involves military benefits in some manner, which will quickly come back to haunt you if you ‘lied’ on application docs.