TC probably prefers it with the hook in: (under “Jody and TC”)
TC probably prefers it with the hook in: (under “Jody and TC”)
Did you die yet?
Too late, the beans has been spilled
Whoever is responsible should not be trusted with any sensing information.
This ishomophonobia, plain and simple
He deliberately downplayed the infectiousness of the virus very early stages, and then spread anti-vaccine misinformation afterwards. As the US is a major air transport hub for, this also led to casualties in countries where it would have been a non-event. Early restrictions and screening on flights from China, then subsequent following of Fauci’s recommendations would have made a huge difference.
It’s a clbuttic
There should be Voyager 1 and 2 pieces on this board
Am I the only one who thinks the Ra’s Al Ghul in the Arrow series was perfectly cast?
"I am altering the language, pray… "
deleted by creator
Someone should do this meme with the Fediverse
It’s the human eye and brain that increase the subjective size of the moon.
To test this, turn away from the moon and hold your thumb and index finger at arm’s length in front of your face and apart just enough to touch the edges of the moon. Without bringing your thumb and index finger closer together, and still keeping them at arm’s turn back towards the moon and see if you got the size right. You’ll find that the size of the moon is closer to what your camera displayed.
I’ve heard that neweriPhone camera “AI” adds made-up details to moon pictures, but I don’t think they increase the subjective size.
Is “telescope” a euphemism for something else?