In an equitable world, where we had either some form of UBI or shared the means of production and had leisure time to enjoy, it wouldn’t be a thing. Spend time at home recharging, go outside and meet people. Go online and meet people. Join community events and do things that interest you and relationships will naturally bloom as a result.
Since we live in Hell? I have no idea. You tell me.
Jesus. What good are free communities if they are forced to spend their waking hours trying to earn money to exist?
Time is a commodity. Energy is a commodity. Going places and meeting people costs time and energy they don’t have to spend.
Or, you know, don’t do that. Find those children in their starting zones and give them in game currency and equipment. Help them get stronger. Stand under them and prop them up. Teach them how to play and defend them from the teabaggers of the world. Show them a better way.
Build a legacy instead of a throne.
lol wife bad AMIRITE GUISE???
Ring-a-ding-ding, baby.
Then you saw a person with a really nice butt. Who wasn’t doing anything.
Honestly, I know you’re probably just joking, but there are several times in recent memory where I’ve wished that you guys won that one.
Yes, well… That’s what she looks like when someone with rizz draws her. Or so I was told, anyway.
This is the play for sure. I’ve seen a lot of discussion in the past few days about “what we need to do next time”.
There IS no more “next time”. There won’t BE any more elections, there is no more turning this around. Millions of people stayed home crying about how the Democrats didn’t do enough and even if they fucked up (they did), the people who stayed home and let the Nazis win fucked up worse.
Welcome to the Fourth Reich. We are well and truly fucked.
I can only assume they’re referencing the recent hack and subsequent leak of data from Game Freak, including the code for several Pokémon games and some absolutely wild in-universe lore seemingly written by Game Freak employees.
Yes, this thing is bad.
But what about this other thing?
If only there was a term for the type of argument you’re using…
Donald John Trump comes from a family of real estate speculators.
Akira Toriyama once said he based the character of Freeza on Japanese real estate speculators, who he called “the worst kind of people.” (Source)
Am I saying Trump is Freeza? No, Freeza is several orders of magnitude more competent on his worst day than Trump was when he peaked in 1951. But I think it’s important to underline, for the people in the back, what level of cartoonish evil we’re dealing with, because for some reason people will read stuff like this and it won’t sink in. Maybe DBZ will help.
I don’t know. I’m tired, y’all.
Houston native spotted. I’m so sorry.
But this behaviour isn’t really new - I used to work at the Whole Foods on Kirby, which caught fire back in… god, 2012 or so? And someone drove up WHILE THE FIRE WAS STILL BLAZING, was informed that the store was closed, and legitimately responded, “But where am I gonna get my coconut water?”
They may be more mask-off about it now, but it’s always been a thing.
People aren’t using Boatlights-tan for desu memes anymore? I really have gotten old.
I feel this pretty acutely. But I’ve tried to change the way I approach it. When I randomly remember my cringe moments, and I start feeling like I’m going to be obsessing, I try to think about how I’d react if it was a friend of mine telling me about some stupid thing they did forever ago instead of me. That can be enough sometimes for me to stop and say (sometimes out loud, it helps) “That was forever ago and yeah, it was stupid, but you learned.” And it helps. I can’t always move past it, but it seems like it works more often than it doesn’t. If that makes sense.
Yeah, you did some stupid shit. But guess what! If you did it more than 7 years ago, biologically speaking you’re technically a whole-ass different person now. I don’t know if this will help anyone, but I hope it does.
FunkFPV, is that you?
Kidding. Sounds like you’re still mostly winning though, good on ya.
Speaking as someone who has recently gone through this headache: if you’re fortunate enough to have your games on their own partition, you will probably want to migrate said partition over to a Linux filesystem (ext4, btrfs, etc.) sooner rather than later. Particularly for Steam games - it’s possible to mount NTFS partitions on Linux and you might even be able to get the partition to mount as read/write somewhat reliably, but getting Steam on Linux to parse those directories and read the installed games is… … well, it isn’t worth it, frankly. Easier to just bite the bullet and be done with it.
That was the most difficult part of transitioning to Linux for me, though. Most everything else either worked out of the box or was a breeze to set up. Even the printer - go figure. Anyway. You got this!
Glad someone else said it. Conflicting opinions about Linus aside, dude makes stuff he’d want to wear/use and it shows in the quality.