Leftist is -such- a broad term, even excluding “Far Left.”
If you’re not aware of it already, read up on the Overton Window. Most “Leftist” Americans are seen as Center-Right to a lot of the developed world.
Leftist is -such- a broad term, even excluding “Far Left.”
If you’re not aware of it already, read up on the Overton Window. Most “Leftist” Americans are seen as Center-Right to a lot of the developed world.
Maybe to some, but that doesn’t minimize your stake in anything. We’re all in this together.
No. No! Take it back!
Thanks for the context… I assumed it was a shallow dig based on appearances.
How very entitled of you.
It’s pretty amazing to have teachers and faculty like that 💜
3D printing
in high school
now that I’m an adult
I just started believing it… 😳
This is an interesting take… I like it
It’s so we can fully utilize all our Freedom!
That’s dope. It’s rare to get through to people like that.
You’re asking if there are others on Lemmy without your perception and understanding of the world?
I think this might be a “sit down” talk…
Back in late 2022 I was in an argument with my (adult) nephew about how the government isn’t limiting free speech on Twitter. I was explaining how “the free market” is deciding whether Elon will sink or swim. He just could not understand how the government -wasn’t- responsible.
(Yes, there were some Governmental take down requests, but none of them seemed very sus to me)
people who think there is unfortunately don’t understand how the universe works.
But you do? Right.
I think it came across the wrong way.
The intended focus was more on using Slowpoke to call out something old and kinda dumb.
o well.
Preach! lol
Exactly. It’s capitalism. The land is more valuable than the people on it.
(This is my observation, not my personal opinion)