9/11/2001 was the end of attitudes of the 90s, so I think the peak would have had to been before that.
9/11/2001 was the end of attitudes of the 90s, so I think the peak would have had to been before that.
Because it gets a negative response? Regardless of whether they think it has a valid place as an art form, if they know it will get a negative response they probably won’t want to share it.
I think that will be increasingly impossible to enforce, as AI art gets increasingly better.
Also, if someone finds some cool art online how are they to know if AI was used or not?
I wear a bone conductive headset a lot of the time, and I have it set to read out calls or important messages to me. Smartwatches have a similar use, but goal is to not miss a call while also having the phone on silent.
I think the issue is that devices with screens are usually meant to be your window to experience something else. When you get immersed in something, you forget about the device and focus on the experience.
I like playing games, and when I get into a game the focus is on the game itself, not the controller/TV/etc. I’ve had dreams about games, but it’s always me experiencing the game directly and not focused at all on the details of how I’m accessing the game.
I think it’s the same with phone use, but the experiences we get on a phone are harder to imagine as a"direct experience". Things like sending a text message don’t convert well to a fully immersive experience, so I think our brain skips over them.
One of the Egypt stories involved men following a woman back to her hotel room, and she had to lock herself inside. They continued to come to her hotel everyday, and bang on her door telling her to let them in. She ended up spending the whole trip stuck in that room, feeling unsafe to leave until she finally got an escort to make it to her flight home.
Unfortunately in cases like that, it really sounds like it goes beyond something you can be adult about and just ignore. I think her main mistake was not doing better research about where it was safe to travel as an unaccompanied woman, as much as I wish that wasn’t a concern.
Yeah I fully get the idea. A lot of racism is ignorance and fear. Humans are bad to take limited experiences of each other and assume that’s the whole experience. When you don’t have your own experiences with a different people, it’s easy to latch onto stories of how bad they can be and form your whole opinion around that. The best counter to that is to have good experiences instead, preferably through friendship.
But some cultures/etc make for a bad travel experience, and that will create or reinforce negative opinions. Living there longer is probably better, but the fact that racism still exists in mixing pot countries like the US proves that living together isn’t enough to make relationships good.
May not work in all cases, seems like everyone that goes to egypt to see the pyramids comes back hating egyptians.
I’ve seen discussions where the topic was something like “Where did you travel to that you would never go back to again”, and the responses there heavily implied that travel can inspire racism.
How do we feel about libertarians?
I’m assuming getting all your passengers there is considered a 100% run. I think the players branching out into lower % runs will open up some pretty big time savings and make for much more interesting runs.
I’m not sure. Some posts legitimately seem like Linux users making fun of themselves. Others really seem like people who have an actual grudge against it.
Some of those posts are decent jokes to be honest. Some are just desperate/scare tactics though.
I know a lot of subreddits like that have rules that you have to be part of the profession to post. Reason being that they don’t want amateurs/etc to fill up the community with posts asking for advice, but instead want it to be a place for people in the profession to be able to talk to other professionals.
I can fully understand that approach, and how following that rule would directly lead to posts like this getting locked. At the same time, this is an interesting post and seems like it would have interesting discussion.
So basically this post probably breaks the written rules of the community, but is the kind of content that they wanted the rules to encourage. If it was my community I’d let the post stay (maybe with a mod comment on why it was allowed to stay up), but it’s always risky to enforce the written rules inconsistently. I’ve seen a lot of communities get upset about inconsistent mods.
Yeah, I think a good approach to any type of government powers is considering that future presidents/parties you don’t like will also have access to these powers.
I would absolutely love it if the threat of the future Trumps is a limiting factor on government overreach.
have you tried uninstalling windows:)
They want access, they just don’t want china to have access. Of course, when you add a backdoor it’s best to assume everyone will use it sooner or later.
One of my biggest pet peeves with corporate websites. It’s like they’re afraid that clearly stating what they do will prevent them from growing and doing other things as well. So instead they refuse to say anything coherent.
Some people prefer CRTs for gaming, there’s much less input lag, and differences in the way images are displayed means that you can often run games at lower resolutions than pixel based displays without as much of a decrease in image quality. Here’s a DF video talking about some of the advantages.
Also CRTs can be pushed to insanely high frame rates, although this can be limited by how much you reduce the resolution. For example, one guy got his to run at 700hz refresh rate (by dropping resolution to 120p).
Every different part of computer setup/OS/resolution/extension/etc is a data point that can be used to uniquely identify you and track your web browsing. Generally any desktop computer will have a unique fingerprint, the only hardware setup I’ve heard of being common enough to avoid fingerprinting is something like using safari on a modern iphone.