Where and what one beer would put you over the limit?
Where and what one beer would put you over the limit?
It’s pretty good for 1-2 weeks depending on context. I take about 10 days off in spring with family to decompress after about 6 months of winter and work’s usual BS. It’s glorious.
There are 16 mass shootings in the US from Dec 4th to today Dec 19th. That’s from the wiki on it.
Yes only 1 was at a school, but this shit is not going to show down or stop with how we currently are dealing with it.
What if they are a lefty?
Just start over at year 0000 AT (after ten thousand)
Love this, very ‘Brawndo it’s got what plants crave’
We have wings at home
Wings at home: 👼🪽
How about you don’t allow that shit under any circumstances. Jesus fuck
I’m going to show off my freedom and wash my car daily in the driveway.
That’s how this works right?
Today you, tomorrow me.
Having a ‘free’ solution that works better than any drug for many conditions is great!
They’d keep him alive as a propaganda piece.
They’ve been stopping orgasms from happening for a long time.
The real ship of Theseus was us all along.
That’s a very good estimate of what it would be worth today, assuming they average a modest 6.5% return rate.
Even the privileged have trials and tribulations. Crazy to see how few think 'if that was hard for me, just imagine how it is for those without my privilege ’
And it’s only been played by several hundred million of people!
Funny that euphemism treadmill is a euphemism treadmill itself.