She would have probably had more success with at least a vague argument of change rather than “I can’t think of anything I’d do differently [than Biden]”, even if it created bad blood between her and the president.
Exactly! She should have thrown Biden under the bus! He’s done with politics, his polling no longer matters and fuck his feelings. She should have used it as an opporitunity to highlight all the shit people dislike about him and promise to do differently. She should have used trashing him as a springboard to promise to be better. Instead, she just promised to be Biden 2.0 when nobody even liked Biden to begin with.
Elon musk also says it’ll let you shit flowers and breathe hard vaccum. Melon husk just makes shit up whenever he feels like it. It’s not going to stream music into your brain. They still can’t even get it to stop killing the testing animals.