I don’t think the argument is really that becoming a parent makes you more conservative, it’s more the other way around- conservatives are more likely to become parents
On paper it makes some amount of sense, with the lack of belief in abortion and contraception, emphasis on “traditional family values” and such.
In actuality, I don’t know if it holds water. I’ve seen a couple studies done on that idea, and the results have kind of been a bit of a mixed bag, I think my takeaway was more that conservatives who have kids tend to have more of them than liberals who have kids, but overall rates of liberals and conservatives who have kids in general were pretty damn close.
You can see a pretty clear difference looking at fertility rates between red states and blue states. So there is definitely something to the idea.
What’s a bit harder to sort out is whether it’s because more conservatives are choosing to have kids in general, or if those who do are just more likely to have multiple kids.