This sounds like embodiment of US
This sounds like embodiment of US
The bit with contacting exec actualy works. Example:
Sounds good, what is it?
Being born 1996, does that make me 69 or is my math wrong?
That reminded me. Where did the buzzing sound go. Remember when you had incomming call, your speakers would buzz?
It was like super power: “Someone’s calling me” … Ring Ring
“Actually” Czech flag should be destroyed if it touches the ground. Also while in CZ there are rules on what should be the order of flags, if it is flying with other flags.
There are more rules, but the main point is … Noone really cares.
This answer seems angry for no reason. So I guess you just reallly can’t chill.
I have a feeling, you are “Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy” reader.
Well its public so who knows in what other package is using it. And it’s static, so who know what kind if monster is calling it from some inapropriate place. I have seen static methods being called from translation/localization files, because “it works”.
Highschool DxD?
No, Highschool D&D
Well you don’t your organisation to be mistaken for a linux Terminal