What does a biology/chemistry/physics/maths graduate say to a philosophy graduate?
Big mac with fries please.
What does a biology/chemistry/physics/maths graduate say to a philosophy graduate?
Big mac with fries please.
women are still seen as less than and we still don’t have equal rights (e.g. divorce
Actually women have superior rights during divorce, in the western world anyway. Try to keep the children as a man during divorce.
It is not. Americans are insane.
Outside of a clinical/scientific setting? It’s comes off a bit creepy
Male/female toilets sound creepy to you?
Chemistry is, well technically, chemistry is the study of matter. But I prefer to see it as the study of change.
There is nothing wrong with “males/females” though. OOP is making a big deal of nothing.
The driver knows all about electronics: navigation, communication, entertainment
You never spoke to an average truck driver, did you?
Took me until “moderation” section, that was too much.
Definitely not just an American thing.
Your point is?
Yup, spot on.
Watch it, it’s brilliant.
Too late, Steve already did.
Oh Quora. House of stupid questions and even worse answers.
That’s what she said.
He never heard about Streisand Effect:
I did, made no difference. Large surface looks different.
Ok, downvoted.