I don’t think the constitution is very capitalist tbh
Why use lot word when few word do trick
Food isn’t free. It takes effort to maintain and protect it from pests, keep it well-fed and watered, and encourage it to bear fruit.
None of your assertions have been supported
Ad hominem. How ironic, who could have expected this! Blocked lmao.
The effect shown isn’t untrue, but the conclusion doesn’t follow from that.
Every time someone says this they exaggerate the positions further and further to the right, and it becomes less and less true.
You know what they say, evil happens when good people stand back and let it happen.
This is true, but it’s also STILL WORSE to vote for the greater evil. You need to change the options available to you to fix this.
I wonder how legal this is
The clause also states that the product MUST be used for Good, which is a higher bar. I’d imagine most things JSON is used for are fairly morally neutral.
Why don’t we use trains on battlefields? (I see no issues with this plan)
“Have to”?
In times of strife, I turn to the famous words of Shakespeare: “An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server could not be made.” Truly, wiser words have never been spoken.
Yessss I love pumpkin rolls